Kode Mortal Kombat Deception Bahasa Indonesia (Lengkap)

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Ashrah puzzle fighter
Start a puzzle match with any character. On the loading screen, you will see a fighter fight Ermac Ashrah puzzle, but he can not be selected as a character in puzzle mode.
Li Mei: Moving
Nova Blast: Press Down, Away, Square.
Carnival Spin: Press Toward, Down, X.
Flying Furry: Press Toward, Toward, Triangle.
Flipping Heel Kick: Press Down, Away, Circle.
Fatality 1: Press Toward (4), Square (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Away, Toward (2), Circle (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Up, Down, Up, Down, X.
Random selection
Enter practice mode and choose Scorpion. Now, highlight any opponent character on the top row and hold Up + Select for about five seconds.
Instructions Bo Rai Cho: Moving
Puke: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
Monkey Flips: Press Down, Away, Square.
Belly Bash: Press Toward (2), Circle.
Earthquake: Press Toward, Away, X.
Fatality 1: Press Down, Up, Toward (2), Triangle (when in sweeping
Fatality 2: Press Up, Away, Toward, X (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Away (2), Toward (2), Triangle.
Double Death
Start versus mode with a friend. Select Falling Cliffs as your area of Kombat. Now, choose 2 characters. Let the games begin. You will soon see that it is a circular platform, and that the layer around the edges will begin to fall off every twenty to thirty seconds.
Make sure that you and your friends are at the edge of the layer that will break the platform. After the silence, the two characters will fall platforms (such as when you punch or kick
sum1 off). You will see both of soil nails character in stone. The one with the least health will lose the match, but both your health bar will drop to 0. Also, if you fall off the second
the same time and have the player's health, the full one will always be the winner of the match.
Darrius: Moving
Tricky Explosion: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
Twisty Kick: Press Down, Away, Circle.
Chest Cruncher: Press Away, Toward, Square.
Target Practice: Press Down, Toward, Circle.
Fatality 1: Press Up, Down, Away, Toward, X (when in sweeping
Fatality 2: Press Down (2), Away, X (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Away, Toward (2), Triangle.
Nightwolf: Moving
Spirit Arrow: Press Down, Away, Square.
Rhino Charge: Press Toward (2), Circle.
Lightning From Above: Press Down, Up, Square.
Reflector: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward, Away, Toward, Square (Far).
Fatality 2: Press Down, Toward, Down, Up, Triangle (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Up (4), X.
Jade: Moving
Vanishing Winds: Press Away, Toward, Square.
Blazing Nitro Kick: Press Away, Toward, Circle.
Razor-Rang: Press Down, Away, X.
Dodging Shadows: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward, Up, Toward, Square (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Away, Toward (3), Triangle (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Toward (3), Triangle Far.
Mileena: Moving
Rolling Thunder: Press Away, Down, Circle.
Soaring Sai: Press Down, Toward, Triangle.
Kick From Above: Press Toward, Toward, Circle.
Fatality 1: Press Toward, Down (2), Square (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Up, Toward (2), X (Far).
Hara Kiri: Press Away, Down, Towards, Down, Square.
Li Mei
Once you are caught by Kano in Outworld, she was in a house in F-7.
You'll see it as soon as you walk in, and he would disappear
You leave the key.
Dairou: Moving
Tombstone Drop: Press Toward, Away, Down, Circle.
Shadow quietly: Press Down, Up, Triangle.
Iron Leg: Press Down, Away, X.
Fatality 1: Press Down, Up, Away (2), Square (when in sweeping
Fatality 2: Press Down (2), Away, Circle (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Away (3), Down, Square.
Baraka: Moves
Flying Shard: Press Down, Away, Square.
Mutant Blades: Press Toward (2), X.
Fatality 1: Press Toward, Up, Down, Triangle (when close).
Fatality 2: Press Toward, Down, Away, Toward, Triangle (when in
sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Down, Away, Up, Away, Circle.
Raiden: Moving
Static Teleport: Press Down, Up, X.
Lightning Bolt: Press Down, Away, Square.
Touch surprising: Press Forward (2), Triangle.
Flying Thunder God: Press Forward (2), Circle.
Fatality 1: Press Away, Down, Towards, Down, Square (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Down, Toward (2), Square (Far).
Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up (2), Away, Square.
Liu Kang: Moves
Move 1: Press Toward (2), Square
Move 1: Press Toward (2), Triangle
Move 1: Press Toward (2), Circle
Move 1: Press Down, Toward, X.
Fatality 1: Press Away (3), Toward, Triangle (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Away, Toward (2), Circle (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Down (3), Up, X.
Ashrah: Moving
Heavenly Light: Press Down, Away, Circle.
Bolt: Press Down, Toward, Circle.
Spin Cycle: Press Down, Up, Triangle.
Natural Torpedo: Press Toward (2), Circle.
Fatality 1: Down (2), Up (2), Triangle (when close).
Fatality 2: Toward, Down, Toward, Down, Triangle (Sweep).
Hara Kiri: Press Up, Down, Up (2), Triangle.
Q: Moving
Human Cannon Drill: Press Toward (2), Triangle.
Air Fire Blast: Press Down, Toward, Triangle.
The surge Blast: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
Dividing Kick Flip: Press Down, Away, Circle.
Find Me: Press Up, Down, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Toward, Down (3), Square (when close).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Away, Toward, Up, Triangle (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Down (2), Toward, Up, X.
Netherrealm Language
Netherrealm people talk backwards. To hear what they are saying, record sound and play it in reverse. Some examples of what they say is: "! Beware Dimashi is Dragon King", "I am talking backwards, sucky is not it?", "There's a lot of nature," and "It is said that John is Vogal genius".
Sindel: Moving
Banshee Scream: Press Toward (2), Square.
Star Screamer: Press Toward (2), Square.
Sliding Foot Grab: Press Away, Toward, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward (2), Away, Square (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Up (2), Away, Toward, X (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up (2), Down, Circle.
Shujinko: Moving
Icy Breeze: Press Down, Toward, Square.
Flaming Fist: Press Down, Toward, Triangle.
Flying Jinko: Press Toward (2), Triangle.
Scissor Kick flip: Press Down, Away, X.
Telekinetic Slam: Press Away, Down, Away, Circle.
Throw Spear (Scorpions Bloody Spear): Press Away, Toward, Square.
Slide (Sindel's Foot Grab): Press Toward, Away, X.
Bicycle Kicks (Lui Kang Bicycle Kick): Press Toward (2), Circle.
Fatality 1: Press Up, Down (2), Toward, Triangle (when close).
Fatality 2: Press Away, Up, Toward (2), Square (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Down, Away, Down, Away, X.
Go to the following locations to unlock all the moves Shujinko
Torpedo: Directly in front of Edenia Portal
Bicycle Kick: Chaosrealm G-4 between 12:00 to 01:00 on Sundays
Ermac Slam: Edenia C-8 Wednesday at 05:00
Freeze: Orderrealm F-5 at 11?? Morning, Wednesday (in the building)
Foot Grab: Edenia D-8 at 2 to 3 am on Monday (back home)
Kobra Fist: Edenia G-6 (rear of building)
Scorpion Spear: Edenia A-1 (Defeat Scorpion)
Flip Kick: Orderrealm E-1 at 11:00 pm
Fatality 1: Outword C-8 (in the cave)
Fatality 2: Orderrealm D-4 at 09:00
Kabal: Moving
Raging Flash: Press Away, Toward, Circle.
Explosion Plasma: Press Down, Toward, Square.
Touch Nomad: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
Fatality 1: Press Toward, Up (3), X (when close).
Fatality 2: Press Up (2), Down (2), Triangle (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up (2), Down, Triangle.
Ermac: Moves
Mystic Float: Press Down, Up, X.
Mystic Bomb: During the Mystic Lampung move, press Down, X.
Dive Kick: During the Mystic Lampung move, press Toward, X.
Telekinetic Throw: Press Toward, Away, Triangle.
Telekinetic Slam: Press Away, Down, Away, Circle.
Hado-Energy: Press Down, Away, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Down, Away (2), Down, X (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Away, Down, Away, Down, Circle (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Down, Up (2), Down, X.
Hint: Havik: Havik can be found in a treasure chest at a house in Chaosrealm on H-4.
Lui Kang alternate costume
Go to Edenia H-5. It can only be found in 12 on the 1st of each month. Use R2 targets Koffins auto complete list to find it.
Hotaru: Moving
Grasshopper: Press Down, Toward, Circle.
Love Burst: Press Down, Away, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Toward, Away, Up, Down, Square (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Down, Toward, Away, Toward, Triangle (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Up, Away (3), Triangle.
Kenshi: Moving
Telekinetic Slam: Press Away, Down, Away, Square.
Telekinetic Toss: Press Down, Away, Circle.
Telekinetic Push: Press Toward (2), Triangle.
Tele-Fury: Press Away, Toward, X.
Mind Warp: Press Down, Away, X.
Fatality 1: Press Toward (2), Away (2), Triangle (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Away, Toward (2), Away, Triangle (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Down, Away (2), Toward, Circle.
Hint: Kira:
Kira can be found in a treasure chest at the beach house Earthrealm, at H-2.
Hint: Kira: Moves:
Black Dragon Ball: Press Away, Toward, Circle.
Kiss of Death: Press Toward, Down, Away, Square.
Night Shade: Press Down, Toward, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward (2), Away, Circle (Far).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Toward, Down, Away, X (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Away, Up, Away, X.
Hint: Cobra: Moves:
Windmill Kick: Press Toward, Down, Away, Circle.
Burning Fist: Press Down, Toward, Triangle.
Tele-Punch: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
Chi-Blast: Press Down, Toward, Square.
Crouching Chi-Blast: Press Down, Away, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Down, Away, Towards, Down, Circle.
Havik: Moving
Rotate Torso: Press Down, Away, Square.
Diving Corpse: Press Down, Toward, Square.
Crackling Legs Projectile: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
Snap Head: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
Corpse reproach: Press Toward, Away, Circle.
Fatality 1: Press Down, Toward (2), Up, Circle (when close).
Fatality 2: Press Toward (3), Away, Triangle (when in sweeping
Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up (3), Triangle.
Hint: Hotaru:
Once you have been arrested and a parent, or at any time after
You have finished Konquest mode, go to Orderrealm, H-1. There is a long
bridge, and when it forks, take the fork until you can go
further. Meditate until the chest appears. Whenever Meditation ***
used, always give a full day for the chest appear.
Noob Smoke: Moves
Smokeycut: Press Toward (2), Circle.
Dark Killer: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
Death From Above: Press Toward (2), X.
Dark Shadows: Press Down, Away, Circle.
We Live: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
Darkness: Press Up, Down, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward, Away, Toward, Square (Far).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Down (2), Toward, Triangle (like smoke outside sweeping range)
Hara Kiri: Press Down, Up (2), Down, Triangle.
Fatality distance
Some of the victims had to be done at a certain distance, as listed below.
Close: As close as possible to the opponent
Sweep: From close, press Away (2).
Outside Sweep: From sweep, tap Away once more Far: Full screen away
Sub-Zero: Moves
Ice Clone: Press Down, Away, Square.
Freeze Ball: Press Down, Toward, X.
Fatality 1: Press Toward, Away, Down, Toward, Triangle (when close).
Fatality 2: Press Away, Down, Towards, Down, Square (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Down, Up, Down, Up, Triangle.

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