How to Download Torrent Files with IDM

Well tonight I will try to share a trick How to Download Torrent Files with IDM. Usually we download torrent files using uTorrent, but we must be patient because when the download time. For those of you who want to download torrent files faster time but download it, please refer to How to Download Torrent Files with IDM below:
Requirement How to Download Torrent Files with IDM surely you must have installed the IDM first. If not please click HERE to get the latest IDM.

Then prepare torrent file, you can find it on torrent file HERE ,then download the torrent file and save it on your PC.
Please you go to Please Sign Up for a Free Account.

Then please upload torrent files you have stored on your PC or you can also paste the magnet link torrent files directly and then click the GO button.!

After that you will be asked to choose FREE or PREMIUM service if I still choose only FREE service, fine .. hehehe.
Then let zbigz download torrent files in it with his super fast servers for you.

Wait until the process is completed and Caching download button appears, when it is finished and looks please proceed by clicking the download button on the right.

Next you will be asked to select the service pack again, as before select the FREE course. Wait IDM automated process that will provide the download for you. His next live click Start Download in IDM.

You can also pause and resume the IDM to download files just as you do when using uTorrent.
But keep in mind for the FREE service users, maximum download speeds of only up to 150 KB / s, the maximum file size its 8 GB torrent, we are given 7 days to download it from after 7 days then we can not download it again. And we were only given 2 places to store files Torrent in So if we have a torrent file to be downloaded more than 2 pieces, then we have to wait.

Similarly tutorial How to Download Torrent Files with IDM i can post now, hopefully continue to remain alive and continue to provide its services to our FREE.
Hopefully useful and good luck.

Kode God Hand Bahasa Indonesia (Lengkap)

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Jukebox CDs
Complete the listed task to unlock the listed CD for the jukebox:

Jukebox A: Win the game.
Jukebox B: Go to the casino for jackpot pulls and get a ticket for the Jukebox CD.
Jukebox C: Win the game on the Hard difficulty setting.
Jukebox D: Win the game with the "Kick Me" sign on without using any God Hand Reels or God Hand Power.
Hard mode
Win the game on the Normal difficulty setting to unlock the Hard difficulty setting.
Complete Arena Challenge 51 to unlock a television in the shop, which is used to view trailers.
Fighting Ring Battle 51
Finish the Fighting Ring Battle 41-50 to unlock Fighting Ring Battle 51.
Fighting Ring challenges
Complete Stage 1 to unlock the Fighting Ring challenges.
Fighting Ring Battle 41-50
Win the game on any difficulty setting to unlock Fighting Ring Battle 41-50.
Bonus costumes/outfits
Win the game to unlock the Carnival, Devil Hand, Karate, and Olivia's Bunny Girl costumes. Start a new game and chat to the new NPC in the shop to change costumes.
Chihuahua Race
Complete Stage 2, then chat to the male NPC in the shop.

God hand and devil hand
By submitting cheats to, you are giving us permission to publish and edit this information. You are also declaring that the information provided is not copied directly off another website or document. Please put them in your own words!

God hand and devil hand


Infinite health

R1 r1 l2 l1 r2
R1 r1 l2 l1 r2

God smash
L3 down x can make a god smash

No light hand faltereds

Infinite orbs

Infinite health

Full health
R1 l1 r1 l1

God hand
Invite god hand,ivite heart,dual god hand,shaloin blast


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Kode Mortal Kombat Deception Bahasa Indonesia (Lengkap)

Kode Mortal Kombat Deception Bahasa Indonesia (Lengkap)

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Ashrah puzzle fighter
Start a puzzle match with any character. On the loading screen, you will see a fighter fight Ermac Ashrah puzzle, but he can not be selected as a character in puzzle mode.

Li Mei: Moving
Nova Blast: Press Down, Away, Square.
Carnival Spin: Press Toward, Down, X.
Flying Furry: Press Toward, Toward, Triangle.
Flipping Heel Kick: Press Down, Away, Circle.
Fatality 1: Press Toward (4), Square (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Away, Toward (2), Circle (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Up, Down, Up, Down, X.

Random selection
Enter practice mode and choose Scorpion. Now, highlight any opponent character on the top row and hold Up + Select for about five seconds.

Instructions Bo Rai Cho: Moving
Puke: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
Monkey Flips: Press Down, Away, Square.
Belly Bash: Press Toward (2), Circle.
Earthquake: Press Toward, Away, X.
Fatality 1: Press Down, Up, Toward (2), Triangle (when in sweeping
Fatality 2: Press Up, Away, Toward, X (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Away (2), Toward (2), Triangle.

Double Death
Start versus mode with a friend. Select Falling Cliffs as your area of ​​Kombat. Now, choose 2 characters. Let the games begin. You will soon see that it is a circular platform, and that the layer around the edges will begin to fall off every twenty to thirty seconds.
Make sure that you and your friends are at the edge of the layer that will break the platform. After the silence, the two characters will fall platforms (such as when you punch or kick
sum1 off). You will see both of soil nails character in stone. The one with the least health will lose the match, but both your health bar will drop to 0. Also, if you fall off the second
the same time and have the player's health, the full one will always be the winner of the match.

Darrius: Moving
Tricky Explosion: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
Twisty Kick: Press Down, Away, Circle.
Chest Cruncher: Press Away, Toward, Square.
Target Practice: Press Down, Toward, Circle.
Fatality 1: Press Up, Down, Away, Toward, X (when in sweeping
Fatality 2: Press Down (2), Away, X (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Away, Toward (2), Triangle.

Nightwolf: Moving
Spirit Arrow: Press Down, Away, Square.
Rhino Charge: Press Toward (2), Circle.
Lightning From Above: Press Down, Up, Square.
Reflector: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward, Away, Toward, Square (Far).
Fatality 2: Press Down, Toward, Down, Up, Triangle (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Up (4), X.

Jade: Moving
Vanishing Winds: Press Away, Toward, Square.
Blazing Nitro Kick: Press Away, Toward, Circle.
Razor-Rang: Press Down, Away, X.
Dodging Shadows: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward, Up, Toward, Square (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Away, Toward (3), Triangle (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Toward (3), Triangle Far.

Mileena: Moving
Rolling Thunder: Press Away, Down, Circle.
Soaring Sai: Press Down, Toward, Triangle.
Kick From Above: Press Toward, Toward, Circle.
Fatality 1: Press Toward, Down (2), Square (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Up, Toward (2), X (Far).
Hara Kiri: Press Away, Down, Towards, Down, Square.

Li Mei
Once you are caught by Kano in Outworld, she was in a house in F-7.
You'll see it as soon as you walk in, and he would disappear
You leave the key.

Dairou: Moving
Tombstone Drop: Press Toward, Away, Down, Circle.
Shadow quietly: Press Down, Up, Triangle.
Iron Leg: Press Down, Away, X.
Fatality 1: Press Down, Up, Away (2), Square (when in sweeping
Fatality 2: Press Down (2), Away, Circle (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Away (3), Down, Square.

Baraka: Moves
Flying Shard: Press Down, Away, Square.
Mutant Blades: Press Toward (2), X.
Fatality 1: Press Toward, Up, Down, Triangle (when close).
Fatality 2: Press Toward, Down, Away, Toward, Triangle (when in
sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Down, Away, Up, Away, Circle.

Raiden: Moving
Static Teleport: Press Down, Up, X.
Lightning Bolt: Press Down, Away, Square.
Touch surprising: Press Forward (2), Triangle.
Flying Thunder God: Press Forward (2), Circle.
Fatality 1: Press Away, Down, Towards, Down, Square (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Down, Toward (2), Square (Far).
Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up (2), Away, Square.

Liu Kang: Moves
Move 1: Press Toward (2), Square
Move 1: Press Toward (2), Triangle
Move 1: Press Toward (2), Circle
Move 1: Press Down, Toward, X.
Fatality 1: Press Away (3), Toward, Triangle (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Away, Toward (2), Circle (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Down (3), Up, X.

Ashrah: Moving
Heavenly Light: Press Down, Away, Circle.
Bolt: Press Down, Toward, Circle.
Spin Cycle: Press Down, Up, Triangle.
Natural Torpedo: Press Toward (2), Circle.
Fatality 1: Down (2), Up (2), Triangle (when close).
Fatality 2: Toward, Down, Toward, Down, Triangle (Sweep).
Hara Kiri: Press Up, Down, Up (2), Triangle.

Q: Moving
Human Cannon Drill: Press Toward (2), Triangle.
Air Fire Blast: Press Down, Toward, Triangle.
The surge Blast: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
Dividing Kick Flip: Press Down, Away, Circle.
Find Me: Press Up, Down, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Toward, Down (3), Square (when close).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Away, Toward, Up, Triangle (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Down (2), Toward, Up, X.

Netherrealm Language
Netherrealm people talk backwards. To hear what they are saying, record sound and play it in reverse. Some examples of what they say is: "! Beware Dimashi is Dragon King", "I am talking backwards, sucky is not it?", "There's a lot of nature," and "It is said that John is Vogal genius".

Sindel: Moving
Banshee Scream: Press Toward (2), Square.
Star Screamer: Press Toward (2), Square.
Sliding Foot Grab: Press Away, Toward, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward (2), Away, Square (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Up (2), Away, Toward, X (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up (2), Down, Circle.

Shujinko: Moving
Icy Breeze: Press Down, Toward, Square.
Flaming Fist: Press Down, Toward, Triangle.
Flying Jinko: Press Toward (2), Triangle.
Scissor Kick flip: Press Down, Away, X.
Telekinetic Slam: Press Away, Down, Away, Circle.
Throw Spear (Scorpions Bloody Spear): Press Away, Toward, Square.
Slide (Sindel's Foot Grab): Press Toward, Away, X.
Bicycle Kicks (Lui Kang Bicycle Kick): Press Toward (2), Circle.
Fatality 1: Press Up, Down (2), Toward, Triangle (when close).
Fatality 2: Press Away, Up, Toward (2), Square (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Down, Away, Down, Away, X.
Go to the following locations to unlock all the moves Shujinko
Torpedo: Directly in front of Edenia Portal
Bicycle Kick: Chaosrealm G-4 between 12:00 to 01:00 on Sundays
Ermac Slam: Edenia C-8 Wednesday at 05:00
Freeze: Orderrealm F-5 at 11?? Morning, Wednesday (in the building)
Foot Grab: Edenia D-8 at 2 to 3 am on Monday (back home)
Kobra Fist: Edenia G-6 (rear of building)
Scorpion Spear: Edenia A-1 (Defeat Scorpion)
Flip Kick: Orderrealm E-1 at 11:00 pm
Fatality 1: Outword C-8 (in the cave)
Fatality 2: Orderrealm D-4 at 09:00

Kabal: Moving
Raging Flash: Press Away, Toward, Circle.
Explosion Plasma: Press Down, Toward, Square.
Touch Nomad: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
Fatality 1: Press Toward, Up (3), X (when close).
Fatality 2: Press Up (2), Down (2), Triangle (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up (2), Down, Triangle.

Ermac: Moves
Mystic Float: Press Down, Up, X.
Mystic Bomb: During the Mystic Lampung move, press Down, X.
Dive Kick: During the Mystic Lampung move, press Toward, X.
Telekinetic Throw: Press Toward, Away, Triangle.
Telekinetic Slam: Press Away, Down, Away, Circle.
Hado-Energy: Press Down, Away, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Down, Away (2), Down, X (when in sweeping range).

Fatality 2: Press Away, Down, Away, Down, Circle (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Down, Up (2), Down, X.
Hint: Havik: Havik can be found in a treasure chest at a house in Chaosrealm on H-4.

Lui Kang alternate costume
Go to Edenia H-5. It can only be found in 12 on the 1st of each month. Use R2 targets Koffins auto complete list to find it.

Hotaru: Moving
Grasshopper: Press Down, Toward, Circle.
Love Burst: Press Down, Away, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Toward, Away, Up, Down, Square (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Down, Toward, Away, Toward, Triangle (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press Up, Away (3), Triangle.

Kenshi: Moving
Telekinetic Slam: Press Away, Down, Away, Square.
Telekinetic Toss: Press Down, Away, Circle.
Telekinetic Push: Press Toward (2), Triangle.
Tele-Fury: Press Away, Toward, X.
Mind Warp: Press Down, Away, X.
Fatality 1: Press Toward (2), Away (2), Triangle (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press Away, Toward (2), Away, Triangle (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Down, Away (2), Toward, Circle.
Hint: Kira:
Kira can be found in a treasure chest at the beach house Earthrealm, at H-2.

Hint: Kira: Moves:
Black Dragon Ball: Press Away, Toward, Circle.
Kiss of Death: Press Toward, Down, Away, Square.
Night Shade: Press Down, Toward, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward (2), Away, Circle (Far).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Toward, Down, Away, X (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Away, Up, Away, X.

Hint: Cobra: Moves:
Windmill Kick: Press Toward, Down, Away, Circle.
Burning Fist: Press Down, Toward, Triangle.
Tele-Punch: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
Chi-Blast: Press Down, Toward, Square.
Crouching Chi-Blast: Press Down, Away, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Down, Away, Towards, Down, Circle.

Havik: Moving
Rotate Torso: Press Down, Away, Square.
Diving Corpse: Press Down, Toward, Square.
Crackling Legs Projectile: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
Snap Head: Press Away, Toward, Triangle.
Corpse reproach: Press Toward, Away, Circle.
Fatality 1: Press Down, Toward (2), Up, Circle (when close).
Fatality 2: Press Toward (3), Away, Triangle (when in sweeping
Hara Kiri: Press Toward, Up (3), Triangle.
Hint: Hotaru:
Once you have been arrested and a parent, or at any time after
You have finished Konquest mode, go to Orderrealm, H-1. There is a long
bridge, and when it forks, take the fork until you can go
further. Meditate until the chest appears. Whenever Meditation ***
used, always give a full day for the chest appear.

Noob Smoke: Moves
Smokeycut: Press Toward (2), Circle.
Dark Killer: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
Death From Above: Press Toward (2), X.
Dark Shadows: Press Down, Away, Circle.
We Live: Press Down, Away, Triangle.
Darkness: Press Up, Down, Square.
Fatality 1: Press Away, Toward, Away, Toward, Square (Far).
Fatality 2: Press Up, Down (2), Toward, Triangle (like smoke outside sweeping range)
Hara Kiri: Press Down, Up (2), Down, Triangle.

Fatality distance
Some of the victims had to be done at a certain distance, as listed below.

Close: As close as possible to the opponent
Sweep: From close, press Away (2).
Outside Sweep: From sweep, tap Away once more Far: Full screen away

Sub-Zero: Moves
Ice Clone: ​​Press Down, Away, Square.
Freeze Ball: Press Down, Toward, X.
Fatality 1: Press Toward, Away, Down, Toward, Triangle (when close).
Fatality 2: Press Away, Down, Towards, Down, Square (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press Down, Up, Down, Up, Triangle.

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Cheat Game James Bond 007: NightFire

Cheat Game James Bond 007: NightFire
How insert cheats was hit: Star >> Cheat Entry

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Select a level:
Enter the code PASSPORT

Get Code Demolition mode:
Enter the code TNT

Get protection mode:
Enter the code GUARDIAN

Get Uplink mode:
Enter the code TRANSMIT

Unlock Explosive Scenery:
Enter the code BOOM

Get Teamwork Koth Code mode:
Put in Teamwork

Strike Golden eye codes:
Put in ORBIT

Assassination mode code:
Enter the code SCOPE

Get Code Level Equinox:
Enter the code VACUUM

Get Faster Laser Code:
Enter the code Photon

Unlock Max Zorin for Multiplayer:
Enter the code Blimp

Enable for Multiplayer:
Enter the code bowler

Codes Unlock Goldfinger for Multiplayer:
Enter the code MIDAS

Unlock Christmas Jones for Multiplayer:
Enter the code Nuclear

Unlock Miss Galore for Multiplayer:
Put in the code CIRCUS

Unlock Jaws for Multiplayer:
Enter the code DENTAL

Enable Scaramanga for Multiplayer:
Enter the code ASSASSIN

Code Unlock Baron Samedi for Multiplayer:

Codes Unlock Xenia for Multiplayer:
Put in JANUS

Codes Unlock Tuxedo for Multiplayer:
Put in a BlackTie

Unlock Codes powerful sedative:
Enter the code SLEEPY

Unlock Sniper Level:
Enter the code Meltdown

Unlock Golden Gun:
Enter the code TARGET

All Characters multiplayer code:
Enter the code PARTY

Clip Sniper Rifle greater:
Enter the code MAGAZINE

Unlock Countdown Level code:
Enter the code Blastoff

code greater Sniper Rifle Clip:
Enter the code MAGAZINE

Unlock code Renard for Multiplayer:
Enter the code HEADCASE

Unlock Golden P2K:
Enter the code Q LAB (Must have the space) is limited PP7 ammo:
When you play the first level 12 players get a gold medal with all 007 icons. Use Shelby Cobra on the Vanquished Level:
On the Vanquished level pause the game and HOLD L1??, And press Right, Right, Left, Left, Up

Cheat Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 4 PS2

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 4 PS2 Cheats
Publisher: Namco Bandai
Developer: CyberConnect2
Genre: Fighting

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Here is PS2 Cheats and cheat codes for PS2 Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden Cheats & Codes Playstation 2 ULTIMATE NINJA 4: Naruto Shippuden. On this site, we try to provide you with the code to the latest and most popular cheat, Easy Money, help, hints and tips for Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden and Playstation 2 (PS2). Whatever you are looking for can all be found here. New Cheat added.

Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden Cheats

Cheat Code and Tips In Game:
100,000 Yen
How: To get 100,000 yen from the start a new game automatically, Narutimate Hero 3 save on your memory card.

Play as Devil / Kyubi Characters
How: To play as Devil powerful and Kyubi forms of certain characters, first unlock every character in the game (including the 4th Hokage). Now, to open a special form of the character you want, select him or her from the character select screen while holding down Circle.

4th Hokage's
How to unlock: complete Hero Mode story.

More Characters
Description: You can automatically unlock all the characters in the game by having NH3 saved game on your memory card. However, the following characters can only be unlocked by beating them in RPG mode: Chiyo, Deidara, Itachi, Kisame, and Sasori. To unlock Yondaime, complete Hero Mode.

Description: To unlock the characters listed below, fulfill the specified requirements. Keep in mind that all of the requirements below should be executed while playing Hero Mode.

Gaara (Old Version) Defeat the full Shukaku version using Naruto
Godaime Hokage (Tsunade) The opening scene in which he attacked Orochimaru
Haku Defeat
Jiraiya Opening scene where Naruto protects Tsunade from Kabuto
Kabuto Defeat him using Naruto
Kankurou (Old Version) Opening scene of his fight against Shino during Konoha Invasion
Nidaime Hokage's opening scene was a funeral Sanaime
Orochimaru You get him after Naruto fights him
Sandaime Hokage Defeat Orochimaru using him during the invasion of Konoha
Shizune Opening scene where Tsunade attacks Orochimaru
Temari (Old Version) Opening scene of the fight against Shikamaru during the Chuunin Exam
Zabuza Defeat
Diedera Enable in Master Mode after facing him with Gaara
Sasori Enable in Master Mode after facing him with Kankuro
Kisame Enable in Master Mode after facing him and the water clones with Lee, Tenten, Neji and Guy
Itachi Enable in Master Mode after facing him and his shadow clones with Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto
Granny Chio Unlock by completing his Master Mode

How to find Tsubaki in the woods fantasy?
Check the map (not the full map) and you can see the red dot and go red dots and you are in the house.And Tsubaki Jiraiya then told to go to the crystal cave and find aoi. PS: When you find you have to fight aoi silhouette looks like a fox or something 'He's the hardest to beat you know ...

How to get all charecters
Up circle triangle r1 l2 down down square

Mother's gift to her!
Go talk to him in the sand village then go outside the gates of the village of the sand will be a man (probably calles the bettler) talk to him and pick up a gift that called hookage Ninja tool set .. then went to talk to her again and successfully demand!

Unlock all characters naruto
In master mode, find all the missing frog ... after that go to the store and buy all the videos. then save your profile,,, after saving you will need to restart your ps2.
At the title screen, UP, UP, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP, X, UP, O, TRIANGLE,, ENJOY

Enable flash yellow
First, you must complete each part of the memory in hero mode.

If you have a Ninja final 3 all charaters long you will be transferred to Ultimate Ninja 4

Naruto create a character
If you go to lee hidden in the leaves and talk to 50 rounds, then you can create a new character.

Get six tails kyuubi s

Resep dan Menu Makanan Bagi Penderita Diabetes Terbaru...!

Anda sedang mencari resep masakan diabetes? Berikut ini diet menu makanan untuk penderita diabetes atau kencing manis lengkap dengan kandungan nutrisi dan kalorinya.

Diabetes adalah penyakit menurunnya produktivitas hormon insulin yang diproduksi pankreas sehingga membuat pengidap diabetes memiliki kadar gula darah yang lebih tinggi dari normal. Meskipun penyakit ini tidak dapat sembuh, penderita diabetes sebenarnya tetap dapat menikmati hidup sehari-hari secara normal. Termasuk pula dalam mengonsumsi berbagai jenis makanan, kendati menu makanan diabetes memang harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kalori yang diasupnya.

Resep masakan dibawah ini dapat dikombinasikan sebagai menu harian penderita diabetes. Jangan dilupakan bahwa resep masakan diabetes ini dapat disesuaikan sehingga total asupan harian dapat sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

Konversi Ukuran :

~ 1 cup = 240 ml cairan, 140 gr tepung, 150 gr bijian/beras, 190 gr gula pasir, 200 gr mentega, 16 sdm
~ 1 sdt = 5 ml, 1sdm = 15 ml, 2 sdm = 30 ml, 1 pint = 2 cup, 1 quart = 4 cup= 0,96 lt, 1 ounce/oz = 30 gr
16 ounce/oz = 1 pound = 480 gr
~  0 derajat C = 32 derajat F Suhu Beku
~ 20 derajat C = 68 derajat F Suhu Ruang
~ 100 derajat C = 212 derajat F Suhu Didih
~ 160 derajat C = 325 derajat F
~ 180 derajat C = 350 derajat F
~ 190 derajat C = 375 derajat F
~ 200 derajat C = 400 derajat F
~ 220 derajat C = 425 derajat F
~ 230 derajat C = 450 derajat F

Resep Masakan Fritata Sayuran dan Keju

Bahan :

~ 8 butir telur atau 2 cup telur bebas lemak dan bebas kolesterol
~ ½ sdt garam
~ 1/8 sdt lada bubuk
~ ½ cup keju parut (swiss atau cheddar)
~ 2 sdm minyak sayur atau mentega
~ 2 cup cincangan paprika merah/hijau/kuning
~ ½ cup cincangan bawang bombay

Cara Membuat:

~ Kocok telur, garam dan lada sampai tercampur rata, tambahkan keju, sisihkan
~ Panaskan fry-pan, tumis paprika dan bawang Bombay sampai bawang Bombay layu
~ Siram dengan kocokan telur, masak dengan panas kecil-sedang selama 8-10 menit hingga telur mengeras dan bawahnya kecoklatan
~ Panaskan oven untuk broil (500 derajat F) masukkan telur dengan fry-pannya broil selama 2 menit hingga permukaan telur coklat keemasan
~ Potong seperti potongan Pizza

Kandungan Nutrisi:

~ 190 kalori, serat 1 gr, sodium 330mg, lemak 14 gr, (lemak jenuh 4 gr), protein 12 gr, kolesterol 300 mg, karbohidrat 5 gr ~

Demikian Resep dan Menu Makanan Bagi Penderita Diabetes Semoga Bermanfaat.....

Cara Mengedit Info Game Pada Tema OPL 0.9

Sumber |

Sebelumnya saya mengucapkan banyak trimakasih pada Mas Satrio, yang telah memberikan rangkuman tentang Editing info game pada OPL 0.9, yang pastinya akan mempermudah untuk kita mengerti dan mempelajari Opl versi 0.9.

Opl 0.9 merupakan generasi kelanjutan dari OPL 0.8, yang mana untuk tampilannya sudah dilengkapi dengan fitur Info Game,yang pasti tampilannya makin keren.

Fitur tersebut bisa kita aktifkan dan non-aktifkan sesuai keinginan kita dan jika kita tidak meng-aktifkan fitur tersebut, maka tampilan temanya akan tampak seperti OPL 0.8.

Fitur info game tersebut terbaca dari setiap configurasi game yang kita pilih di menu OPL, dimana configurasi tersebut bisa kita buat sendiri dari notepat atau dengan menggunakan software OPL CFG Maker yang di buat oleh Miguel angel (maovx) dan softwarenya bisa teman-teman download disini.

Software OPL CFG Maker ini tidak bisa langsung digunakan, untuk menggunakannya kita harus menginstal Framenwork 4 di PC atau laptop yang akan kta gunakan. Untuk Framenwork-nya bisa download disini, saya sudah mencobanya dan berhasil di windows xp_3.

Jika PC dan laptop kita sudah terinstal Framenwork, maka kita bisa langsung menggunakan software OPL CFG Maker dan untuk tampilan awal software tersebut seperti contoh di bawah ini.

Selanjutnya klik pada Choose Directory CFG, dimana folder tersebut akan kita gunakan untuk menyimpan configurasi yang akan kita buat nanti, folder tersebut bisa kita tempatkan di flasdisk atau PC. Untuk contoh ini saya menyimpan configurasinya di folder CFG yang tersimpan di PC tepatnya di Local Disk E seperti contoh di bawah ini.

Klik Local Disk E buat New folder rename CFG, jika sudah klik Ok.

Selanjutnya kita sudah bisa membuat file cfg-nya, pada contoh ini saya membuat info game untuk game NSF Underground 2 yang mempunyai nama ID Game SLUS_210.65, maka pada kolom Game ID-nya seperti contoh di bawah ini.

Selanjutnya pada kolom Title kita ketikan nama game-nya misalnyaNFS Underground 2, jika sudah maka akan seperti contoh di bawah ini.

Selanjutnya pada Genre kita isi lagi dengan jenis dari game-nya sebagai berikut:
  • Genre Fighting (jika merupakan jenis game berkelahi atau aksi seperti game Smackdown dan dan sejenisnya)
  • Genre Action (jika merupakan jenis game aksi seperti GTA Series,God Of War dan sejenisnya)
  • Genre Atventure (jika merupakan jenis game petualang yang biasa kita kenal dengan nama game RPG seperti Final Fantasi, kingdom hearts dan sejenisnya)
  • Genre Racing (jika merupakan jenis game seperti Burnout Series, NFS Series, Moto GP Series dan sejenisnya)
  • Genre Shooter (jika merupakan jenis game tembak seperti Black dan sejenisnya)
  • Genre Sport (jika merupakan jenis game seperti WE 10, Pes Series, NBA Series, dan sejenisnya)
Dan pada penjelasan di atas game NFS Underground 2 merupakan jenis game balap mobil, maka pada Genre bisa kita isi denganRacing seperti contoh di bawah ini.

Selanjutnya pada kolom Developer kita isi dengan nama yangmembuat atau yang mengembangkan game tersebut dan pada contoh di atas game NFS Underground 2 penerbitnya adalah Developer EA Canada (sumber). Jika sudah di isikan maka akan seperti di bawah ini.

Pada kolom Release kita isi kapan game tersebut di terbitkan, pada contoh game NFS Underground 2 di terbitkan pada tanggal 15 November 2004 (sumber). jika sudah di isi, maka akan seperti di bawah ini.

Selanjutnya pada Description bisa kita isi sesuai dengan gambaran mengenai game tersebut atau bisa juga kita isi sesuai dengan keinginan kita sendiri. Untuk game NFS Underground 2 saya isikan keterangan sebagai berikut:

Game balap mobil yang memperkenalkan kecepatan melampoi batas dari kecepatan mobil biasa, liar dan siap menghantam semua yang melintang di jalanan.

Keterangan di atas bisa teman-teman ganti sesuai dengan kreasi teman sendiri (suka-suka), jika keterangan tersebut sudah di isikan pada kolom Description, maka akan seperti contoh di bawah ini.

Selanjutnya pada kolom Region terdiri dari 2 pilihan di antaranya adalah
  • Region NTSC
  • Region PAL
Pada contoh game NFS Underground 2 Regionnya adalah NTFC (sumber), jika sudah di pilih maka akan seperti contoh di bawah ini.

Selanjutnya pada Player kita isi dengan jumlah pemain yang di supportkan oleh game tersebut, seperti di bawah ini.

1 Player = jika game tersebut hanya bisa di mainkan oleh satu pemain saja.
2 Player = jika game tersebut mendukung dua pemain.
3 Player = jika game tersebut mendukung tiga pemain dengan menggunakan multitap.
4 Player = jika game tersebut mendukung empat pemain dengan menggunakan multitap.

Pada game NFS Underground 2 mendukung 2 pemain, dan dalam contoh ini saya pilih 2, seperti contoh gambar di bawah ini.

Kemudian pada kolom Aspect, kita isikan dukungan dari game tersebut dengan TV yang kita gunakan, dan untuk pengaturan kode Aspectnya sebagai berikut:
  • Aspect = S (jika game tersebut mendukung tampilan TV standar 4:3-Aspect Ratio Standard untuk 480i, 480p, dan 576i).
  • Aspect = W (jika game tersebut mendukung tampilan TV layar lebar atau widesceen 16:9-Aspect Ratio widescreen untuk 480i, 480p, 576i, dan 1080i).
  • Aspect = W1 (Hack Widescreen: 16:9 menggunakan Hack Widescreen ps2rd, ini merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk menjalankan game standar (4:3), agar bisa di tampilkan dengan normal di layar lebar (16:9).
Pada game NFS Underground 2 hanya mendukung tampilan layar standar pada menu settingnya (sumber), maka pada kolom Aspect kita pilih S, dan jika sudah di pilih akan seperti contoh gambar di bawah ini.

Sekarang pada kolom Scan kita isi mode video yang bisa di dukung game tersebut. Pada sebagian game mode video ini bisa kita akses dengan menekan kombinasi tombol stik saat loading awal masuk gamenya, dimana pengaturan kodenya untuk Scan ini sebagai berikut:
  • Scan = 480i (game yang mendukung 480i).
  • Scan = 480p (game yang mendukung 480p, dan kita harus masuk ke menu pengaturan permainan untuk memilih opsi ini).
  • Scan = 480p1 (game yang mengharuskan kita untuk menekansegitiga dan silang saat loading game untuk mendapatkan pilihan 480p dari permainan).
  • Scan = 480p2 (game yang menghruskan kita untuk menekanlingkaran dan silang saat loading game untuk mendapatkan pilihan 480p dari permainan).
  • Scan = 576i (game yang hanya mendukung 576i (kebanyakan game PAL).
Pada contoh game NFS Underground 2 hanya mendukung layar TV Standar 4:3 (480i), maka pada kolom Scan kita pilih 480i seperti contoh di bawah ini.

Kemudian pada Rating kita isi dengan peringkat game secara keseluruhan untuk nilai Rating yang di berikan pada game tersebut, maksutnya adalah penilaian yang kita berikan pada game tersebut meliputi aspek seperti alur cerita, jika teman-teman bingung dalam hal ini, teman-teman bisa mengisinya suka2 sesuai dengan penilaian yang teman2 berikan pada game tersebut.

Pengaturan untuk pemberian Rating ini sebagai berikut:
  • Rating = 0 (Defoult, jika tidak ada penilaian terhadap game tersebut).
  • Rating = 1 (jika dianggap game tersebut tidak baik untuk di mainkan).
  • Rating = 2 (jika dianggap game tersebut lumayan untuk di mainkan).
  • Rating = 3 (jika dianggap game tersebut lumayan untuk di mainkan).
  • Rating = 4 (jika dianggap game tersebut baik sekali untuk di mainkan).
  • Rating = 5 (jika dianggap game tersebut sangat baik dari segala aspek di banding dengan game sejenisnya dan pantas untuk di mainkan).
Pada contoh game NFS Underground 2 saya berikan nilai 4 (sumber), dan untuk memberikan Rating bintang kita hanya tinggal klik dan geser tombol Ratingnya sesuai dengan jumlan yang kita berikan seperti di bawah ini.

Selanjutnya untuk Rating ESRB-nya saya berikan ESRBeveriyone(sumber), seperti pada contoh di bawah ini.

Selanjutnya pada Compatibility Mode kita sesuaikan dengan mode game yang di tentukan, seperti contoh game Rumble Racing jalan dengan mode 7, maka kita centang pada mode 7, tujuannya game nantinya bisa berjalan normal dan lancar waktu di mainkan, jika game tersebut bisa jalan lancar tanpa mode game, maka untuk Compatibility Modenya bisa kita kosongkan saja.

Kemudian pada Devis Compatibility kita tentukan apakah game bisa berjalan pada USB Game (HDD External), HDD Game (HDD Internal),ETH Game (Game via Ethernet), dan pada contoh game NFS Underground 2, game ini di ke-3 Device tersebut, maka kita bisa centang semua seperti contoh dibawah ini.

Selanjutnya tinggal menyimpan cfg-nya dengan menekan tombol Save dan jika sudah, maka akan seperti contoh di bawah ini.

Pada contoh pembuatan cfg dari game NFS Underground 2 saya simpan di PC tepatnya di Local Disk E, maka akan tampak seperti contoh gambar di bawah ini.

Jika cfg ini kita drag pada notepat, maka hasilnya akan seperti di bawah ini.

Jadi intinya teman2 juga bisa membuat cfg-nya dari notepat.

Selanjutnya agar tampilan OPL 0.9 lebih bagus lagi, kita bisa menambahkan cover game, dan untuk cara-nya sebagai berikut:
Siapkan 2 gambar yang ingin di jadikan cover gamenya, untuk ukuran dimensionnya 250x200, gambar tersebut kita rename seperti code gamenya dan untuk penulisannya sebagai berikut:

ID_Game_SCR.jpg dan ID_Game_SCR2.jpg.

Misalkan disini saya menyiapkan gambar cover untuk game NFS Underground 2, maka saya rename

SLUS_210.65_SCR.jpg dan SLUS_210.65_SCR2.jpg.

Kita juga bisa menambahkan lagi 1 gambar untuk Cover ART seperti yang biasa kita pakai pada OPL 0.8, dan untuk cara-nya saya rasa teman2 sudah paham, atau untuk yang belum mengerti pasang cover art bisa lihat disini, kemudian gambar-gambar covernya kita simpan di dalam folder ART.

Selanjutnya kita tinggal mengcopy atau langsung cut saja folder CFG yang di dalamnya ada cfg Info Game yang tadi baru saja kita buat dan ART-nya juga, untuk kita paste ke dalam HDD yang digunakan oleh OPL.

Untuk preview info game saya menggunakan tema Residen Evil 4, maka tampilannya akan seperti di bawah ini.

Klik gambar untuk preview
Tekan silang (X), maka akan muncul info game seperti contoh di bawah ini.

Jika ingin kembali ke daftar game sebelumnya tinggal tekan bulat (O), jika ingin langsung memainkan gamenya tekan silang (X).

Selamat Mencoba..semoga berhasil..

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