How to Permanently Activate Windows 8 Pro 100% Work

Of the many I have ever used Activator to activate windows 8 Pro, Activator's just really powerful, aka 100% Working, namely Windows 8 Pro Activator Permanent use K.J_121105. Windows 8 Professional and the result is "The Machine is Permanently Actived."
Yesterday I also had to share about Windows 8 Activator All Version, but I tried my dilaptop not work, so I try dilaptop meskinpun my friends nothing worked. And finally I was looking for a more powerful, and I finally found the Activator 100% Working.

Perhaps there is also a friend of a friend that I fared like what I experienced, it would not hurt you to try to use this one activator. Guaranteed 100% Powerful ..

This is the Display Program:

actived win 8

Download :
Activator Permanent Windows 8 Pro --> Click Here to Download

How to use:
How to use it was quite easy, just follow these steps:
1. Download K.J_121105.exe
2. Once the download is complete, open the program was by way of Right Click - Run as Administrator
3. Select the English language by clicking on "English" at the top.
4. Then click "Windows 8 + Server 2012"

actived win 8

5. Then Select "Install Pirate Activation"

actived win 8

6. It will appear via Command Promt process, please wait ..
7. When finished, it will automatically, Log Off Computer will do by itself
8. Having the windows open again, then there will be a display that Windows has been successful and the Permanent Active.

actived win 8

Windows 8 Pro Congratulations you have successfully diactifkan permanently. From here you are able to use the facility for menggati Start Screen, Screen Lock switch, and so on.

Other Ways to Activate Windows 8 Pro [100% Work]

* To use this method you must be connected to the internet
If you've ever tried to activate windows 8 activation by using software or other applications that do not believe in, then you first have to uninstall it to fix your system or fix the corupt. How to open a Command Prompt (Admin) by right clicking on the Start button and then click Command Prompt (Admin) and typing

actived win 8

sfc / scannow

Then enter, now try the way below. Hopefully success:

We first internet DNS settings

Click Start> type "Control Panel" and then enter> Network And Internet> Network And Sharing Center> Change Adapter Settings> Right click on the Internet connection is being used> then click Properties> Click the Networking tab> Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IP)> Properties> click Use the following DNS server Addresses> in the Preferred DNS server ip input and feedback on the Alternate DNS server ip

actived win 8

After that set the clock setting internet
Click on the clock in the bottom right corner> Change date and time settings ... > Click the Internet time tab> click Change Settings ... > On Server select> Then Updatenow> if already Success Click OK but if not click Update Now again until successful

actived win 8

Preparation is over, now we get into how the activation
Right click on Start> Click on Command Prompt (Admin)> Click Yes>

actived win 8

slmgr.vbs-ipk-VH26C NG4HW-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4  then enter, after that input
slmgr.vbs-skms then click enter, and the last input
slmgr.vbs-ato Click the Enter key again

Now look at your windows is active

actived win 8

Restart PC and enjoy...!

Cara Aktivasi Windows 8 Dengan KMS Server

Windows 8 build 9200 dapat diaktivasi dengan menggunakan KMS server publik. Jika anda berhasil melakukan aktivasi lewat KMS, maka anda dapat menggunakan Windows 8 selama 180 hari secara gratis! Ikuti panduan, tutorial, dan beberapa tips melakukan aktivasi Windows 8 menggunakan KMS di posting berikut ini.

Tahap pertama sebelum melakukan aktivasi menggunakan KMS, pastikan anda menggunakan serial number KMS client. Untuk melihat daftar beberapa serial number yang bisa digunakan silakan cek disini. Salah satu KMS client key yang dapat anda gunakan untuk menginstal Windows 8 Professional adalah key dengan akhiran *****-J8CK4 (silakan cek pada daftar tersebut).

Cara pertama : Aktivasi KMS manual

Setelah instalasi selesai, masuklah kedalam desktop kemudian buat shortcut command prompt (cmd.exe) di desktop anda, dengan melakukan klik kanan > New > Shortcut, didalam kolom “Type location of the item” ketikkan “cmd.exe” tanpa tanda kutip. Klik “Next” kemudian finish.

Untuk melakukan aktivasi, klik kanan pada shortcut yang anda buat sebelumnya, kemudian pilih “Run as administrator” agar command prompt yang kita gunakan memiliki akses administrator. Ketikkan secara berurutan :

slmgr -ipk *****.*****.*****.*****.J8CK4
slmgr -skms
slmgr -ato

Catatan :

1. Serial number saya sensor, harap ketikkan serial number yang baik dan benar secara manual ditempat anda :)

2. Server KMS yang dapat digunakan antara lain :

3. Jika aktivasi gagal, gunakan server lain yang online.

Jika aktivasi telah berhasil dilakukan, maka akan muncul pop up dengan tulisan “Product succesfully activated”.

Cara Aktivasi Windows 8 Pro With Windows Media Center

Aktivasi win 8

Untuk mengaktifkan Windows 8 Pro Build 9200 with media center secara permanen forever, kalian harus mengaktifkan Windows Media Center (WMC) dahulu. Langsung saja ikuti tutorial dibawah ini

Cara mengaktifkan Windows Media Center WMC di Windows 8 Pro :

1. Arahkan kursor mouse ke pojok kanan bawah dekat tanggal & jam, nanti akan muncul bar di sebelah kanan layar. Pilih menu Search.

2. Ketik "Add Fe " di kotak search lalu pilih menu Setting dibawahnya, nanti akan muncul "Add Features to Windows 8" klik saja, bisa lihat gambar dibawah ini.

Aktivasi win 8

3. Akan muncul menu "How do you want to get started?" pilih saja 'I ready have a product key'

Aktivasi win 8

4. Setelah itu akan muncul menu yang akan menyuruh mengisikan Product key. Isikan dengan:


5. Klik NEXT, akan muncul menu "Ready to add new features" centang Accept the license terms lalu klik tombol Add Features

6. Tunggulah beberapa detik, windows akan melakukan proses Adding Features, setelah selesai PC/Laptop akan restart 2kali dalam melakukan Add features WMC tersebut

7. Setelah restart kedua kali Windows Media Center sudah selesai terinstall di Windows 8 Pro, akan muncul menu bertuliskan Thanks, you're all done your PC is ready to go.

Dalam tahap diatas Windows 8 kita baru upgrade install Windows Media Center nya saja, status Windows 8 sendiri belum aktif alias "Windows is actived". Nah Tahap berikut ini kita akan memulai mengaktivasi Windows 8 Pro agar aktif selamanya (forever)

Cara aktivasi Windows 8 Pro Build 9200 WMC : Lihat DISINI

Cara Aktivasi Windows 8 Pro Build 9200

Aktivasi win 8

Cara Aktivasi Windows 8 Pro Build 9200,sudah berbagai macam cara aktivasi yang saya coba selalu gagal dan error,satu-satunya cara yang paling mudah dan gak usah pake koneksi internet adalah dengan menggunakan KJ Aktivator dan di jamin 100% work..!!
Sebetulnya dengan KJ Aktivator akan jalan pada hampir semua versi windows 8.

Jika tertarik ingin coba ikuti cara saya berikut:

1. Download dulu KJ Activator
2. Ekstrak file hasil download tadi
3. Buka KJ activator.exe dengan "Run as Administrator" dan tunggu sampai proses "Extracting" selesai.
4. Klik Tulisan English
5. Lalu Klik Tombol Windows 8 + Server

Aktivasi win 8

6. Klik Install Pirate Activation

Aktivasi win 8

7. Setelah ini akan muncul Kotak Command Prompt (CMD) dan setelah proses instalai selesai PC akan "Sign Out"otomatis.

8.Setalah Sign Out,log in ke user account lagi,dan check System Properties.(secara otomatis akan muncul notifikasi Windows Permentaly Activated

Catatan: jika ingin agar hasilnya jauh lebih bagus alanglah baiknya  widowsnya di aktivasi dulu pada WMC (windows media center)

Sekian semoga berhasil....!!

Kode Spongebob Squarepants PS2 (Bahasa Indonesia)

Cheat Spongebob Squarepants PS2:

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

CheatsThe Battle for Bikini Bottom:

Cheat Spatula:
Pause while playing and enter R2, L1, SQUARE, TRIANGLE.

The game should continue.
Pause again and enter L1, R2, X, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE.

Alternately, pause the game and hold all four shoulder buttons and enter:

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

Wirausaha Modal Kecil
Pasang Iklan Properti
Mobil Bekas
Cari Jodoh Online

Kode Black (Versi Indonesia Lengkap)

Kode Black PS2 ini akan saya pasang dengan versi indonesia dan lengkap kemarin saya sempat membuat postingan Kode Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks (Lengkap) dan Kode Downhill Domination (Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia). Sekarang saya akan membuat Postingan dengan nama Kode Black (Versi Indonesia Lengkap).
Berikut Kode-kodenya:

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download
di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

Black PS2 Cheats
Opening BFG for Veblensk City:
Enter the password as your profile name, including hyphens.

BFG open to Veblensk City - 4SUD-A2DX-8EBU-KFFX

BFG Code:.
Enter the following code to enable access to the BFG

City Streets level-Unlock BFG (M249 Machine Gun) Cheat:
Enter one of the following codes as your profile name.
Make sure you include the - symbol when entering the code (it's next to the symbol!).
After entering the code and click the "Finish", you will be able to enter your real profile name.
This is how you know the code was accepted. When you start the first level,
You will have a M249 machine gun, not your normal weapon.

Opening the BFG weapon for City Streets level - EG4P-ZGUJ-6SQJ-3X68
Opening the BFG weapon for City Streets level - HQ6G-ZP3B-C5LE-WMXA
Opening the BFG weapon for City Streets level - 5SQQ-stha-ZFFV-7XEV

By completing the game on various difficulty settings,
You will open a specific gift. Silver weapons (unlimited ammo)
Complete the game on either Normal or Hard difficulty setting to unlock them for that difficulty increase.
Black Ops difficulty setting - Complete the game on Hard difficulty setting.
Are M16A2-All Levels - Complete the game on Black Ops difficulty setting.
M16A2 can be used on any difficulty setting once opened.

Selamat Bermain!!

Kode Kungfu Panda (lengkap Bahasa Indonesia)

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

Kung Fu Panda is a game that is very slick and beautiful, an adventure game that mengkisahkan a panda who became a hero who saved the people from the animals began snakes, geese, monkeys, etc., he is assisted by a teacher who was very wise Master Shifu which played by a rat .... I managed to get Cheatnya on a child in Indonesia tv station, but that I managed to save only a few pieces of code cuman course, but the codes are very unusual where one of them is making or the Panda Pooh becomes invulnerable against any weapon, following the codes:



3.Kungfu limitless:

4. The Big Head (Story Mode):

5.Buka Costume Dragon Snake.

6.All Multiplayer Character:

Damage 7.4x Multipliier:

8.Full Upgrades:

9.All Costum:

Bagi yang tidak ngerti kodenya bisa di masukan pada menu Utama > Cheat Entry,atau tekan start dan pilih entry Cheat, Kalau benar akan ada tapak panda yang berhasil.


Kode Ben 10 (Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia)

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

On the menu 'bonus content' menu select 'Enter Code' Select and enter the following code at the 'Secret Cheat' on the screen to enable the code to be consistent with the effect on the game.
Here are the codes that can be activated:

Unlock ALL Combos
Swampfire, Gwen, Kevin, Ben.

Kevin, Big Chill, Swampfire, Kevin.

Unlock Level Lord
Gwen, Kevin, Big Chill, Gwen.

Unlock Infinite Aliens
Ben, Swampfire, Gwen, Big Chill.

Unlock Goop
Ben, Swampfire, Kevin, Big chill.


Jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar anda di buku tamu

The Most Easily Activate Windows 8 Pro

Aktivasi win 8

Here's how to activate Windows 8 Professional is easy.
Many have web to review how to activate Windows 8, there is a successful outcome and not a few have failed through KMS activation method. But the way we say it is quite easy and simple as well as use in the Windows 7 Loader.

For activation of Windows 8 Pro on Toshiba Satellite L645 notebook we use version 1.0 application called 8activator small 3,050 KB released on 27 November 2012. If viewed from the date, then we assume that the success rate will be high activation aka Windows 8 a success. And apparently TRUE ... Windows 8 Pro Install now that we've activated.

The Most Easily Activate Windows 8 Pro

You are also interested in using 8activator v1.0 for Windows 8 activation, please first download the application at the end of the link page. But there's nothing wrong if we also show how to activate Windows 8 via application 8activator v1.0. Consider the following steps:

1. Right-click the file 8activator_1.0.0.exe select Run as administrator - click Yes.

2. The system will perform cecking internet connection ... and finally the main window appears 8activator v1.0.

The Most Easily Activate Windows 8 Pro


3. Click the Activate button to begin the activation process.

4. Click OK on each window that appears, and finally came out the notification
     Windows Script Host of the following:

The Most Easily Activate Windows 8 Pro

5. Close the window 8activator v1.0.

6. Try to check the success of the activation by pressing the button
     Windows + Pause / Break keyboard simultaneously.

Easy right ... for activation using the Windows 8 Pro v1.0 8activator.

After activation immediately upgrade your Windows 8 Pro to Media Center, then activation so PERMANENT.

8activator v1.0. ++Download++

Features and Specifications of Android Smartphone CDMA Smartfren Andro Max

Features and Specifications of Android Smartphone CDMA Smartfren Andro Max

CDMA Android Smartphone classy Smartfren Andro Max cheap prices ready to be released by Smartfren CDMA-based and equipped with the Android operating system version 4.0 or ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich). In terms of appearance, bundling of smartphones is based connectivity Smartfren CDMA EV-DO Rev A can be quite charming. With the massive dimensions of 112.4x60x10.8mm and weight: 125gr sard make Smartfren smartphone Andro Max is quite pleasing to the eye, when held, and at the time of use.

Smartphones are also known as Hisense E860 is also equipped with a wide screen, with a screen size of 3.5 inches with a resolution capability 320x480piksel HVGA TFT Capacitive Multi-touch with features that have high responsiveness to touch or tapping motion. With the support of the resolution and screen size, you can be comfortable enough to watch streaming video because Smartfren smartphone Andro Max has a display screen that is clear and bright.
Features and Specifications of Android Smartphone CDMA Smartfren Andro Max

In the kitchen runway Smartfren Andro Max has been equipped with a Qualcomm MSM7625A 800 MHz processor (Snapdragon equivalent), GPU Adreno 200, and is supported by 512 MB of RAM memory. Internal Memory offered by Andro Smartfren Max size is also quite relieved, that is equal to 1 Gigabyte. Although the features and capabilities that could be considered sophisticated, but Smartfren Andro Max mentioned are similar to the Samsung Galaxy Ace is priced very cheap, only Rp. 888,000 only. With above-average ability and with a very affordable price, of course Smartfren Andro Max could be one of your references in choosing CDMA Android Smartphone with advanced technologies that cheap.

Features and Specifications of Android Smartphone CDMA Smartfren Andro Max

Tips on Choosing a Good And Right Laptop

How to Choose a Good Laptop - increasingly sophisticated technology, the existence of the laptop is very easier for us to carry out activities of daily use to surf in cyberspace as pegangganti computer. Because of its simple and easy to carry anywhere.

The development of social networking and the freedom to access the internet via wifi in public areas such as malls, cafes, schools, colleges and other Internet areas to encourage people to buy a laptop. Keep in mind many varieties and types, types and brands offered by laptop manufacturers with a variety of interesting features, so we must be careful to choose a laptop according to our needs given the laptop is not cheap goods. Here are some ways or tips to be aware when they wanted to buy a laptop:

1. Choose a branded laptop, here means the well-known brand laptop, already tried and tested quality. It also widened the reference as it is the brand synonymous with quality offered.

2. Finding a reference price, this can be done by browsing the websites or stores that provide online services to the site to determine the price, function to adjust the budget and needs of the desired laptop. In addition, as a benchmark when buying a laptop.

3. Determine the function, meaning that you will later use for what. What to teach, to play games, make a program or design, for work, or for browsing and chatting.

4. If the laptop is only used for teaching as a means of supporting only for typing, data processing, office programs ie word, powerpoint, presentation, etc., then you should have a laptop intel celeron processor and 128 MB of RAM they can already be sufficient activity.

5. If you are a programmer, graphic design or gamers who have needed a laptop that focuses on the VGA card and a reliable memory. Use a laptop with a higher capacity to choose the multi-core technology and 64 bit architecture.

6. Laptop for a developer typically uses developing software applications and therefore require a high resource, in addition it is advisable to use multi-core technology and 64 bit architecture you should consider a processor and memory that has a very high specification for developing applications and tools that have very much to eat memory.

7. Laptop only to be brought travel, mobile activities, perform activities of daily living activities such as browsing, chatting, you should choose a laptop over the devices that can last as long as the battery life, heavy laptop, screen size and internal features such as a modem connection, bluetooth , data cable, WiFi and a webcam.

8. Consider selling power return, meaning that if the laptop is resold want to note that warranty service, a service official, and the ease of obtaining spare parts so it is easy to get if there is damage to our laptop. By choosing a well-known brand laptop selling price will remain high.
Thank you hopefully useful.!

10 Tips on Caring for Laptop With Good

10 Tips on Caring for Laptop With Good
How to care for your laptop is not that difficult actually because the laptop is not a desktop computer. Laptops are very needed attention / treatment is also so durable lover like us, that can be used up old and his body is kept nice and sexy.

Laptop is a very sensitive electronics like our women lovers, if not treated properly it will frequently turn to the laptop laptop handyman service. Please note also, that laptop components are more expensive than a desktop computer components or PC. OK, so from our pockets to avoid holes, you should do deh tips on caring for laptops Acer, DELL, Toshiba, HP, Asus, Axio, etc.:

1. Be careful about downloading software "of the Internet
Typically ya, klo already existing strong connection alias speeding, deh definitely works download. Try not to download software that is not clear the origin of his family tree, (no descendants download software) because it can harm us. Use software "which has been obtained from the package the first time laptop purchase. If the downloaded software should scan it first with the top antivirus.

2. Do not install software "that if only rarely used and pointless
Why buy fruit but not eaten. has not it? as well as software that is installed, used and otherwise useless crap it will only be able to make it and vomit.

3. Do not put your laptop on the mattress when it is lit
The impact is quite large, based on the experience of my friend. After a few hours on his laptop ditaro mattress, the next day the adapter directly damaged.

4. Keep your laptop
Keep your laptop there should be no dust at all, always wipe after each use with a clean white cloth to be free of dust and germs. Wear protective screen protector and keypad also klo afford.

5. Avoid electromagnetic vibration
Keep your laptop from electromagnetic equipment such as loudspeakers, loudspeaker, machines, mobile phones, and other sources of vibration.

6. Arrange the connected
Wherever possible the cables to the laptop it should be well organized, not to make others stumble and fall and get hurt and then blame you. Could bother anymore affairs.

7. Take care of your laptop batteries regularly
Should now use laptop for a long time, the battery is fully charged in advance with the current record being filled not played. Then unplug the charger if it is full and then play until the battery rest a little longer. Keep air circulation as well, because this is very important when air circulation is not going smoothly, it can lead to over-heating.

8. Do not place objects on the laptop
Moreover, heavy objects, can "turn your laptop directly to the laptop repair handyman service technician. Because it can damage the screen.

9. Do not "to try to move-move the laptop while still alive. (Because he can not walk alone)
That was the explanation, here's the story: The laptops are still alive or not at shutdown / sleep means that the hard drive is also being employed so that when driven hard scratch can cause the cylinder head, it is very fatal consequences.

10. If the laptop is in trouble, do not try to try to fix that yourself. Better left to a handyman service nearby. Because if you fix yourself might become more severe damage. Moreover, if the warranty still then you disassemble the laptop itself and damage the warranty sticker still on the laptop. (No comment)

Of the 10 tips above, there is the very, very important, namely:
Do not Lose Your Warranty Card Missing
May be useful.!

Excess and Lack windows 8

Excess and Lack windows 8

Microsoft officially released its newest operating system, Windows 8, Friday (26/10/2012). Application developers (developers) warmly welcomed the arrival, which is believed to bring fresh air in terms of development and business. What are the advantages and disadvantages that exist in Windows 8? Microsoft's operating system comes in three versions, namely Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro, and Windows 8 RT.

Microsoft is now open online app store in Windows 8, which is named the Windows Store. With the online application stores, the users are expected to download the application order of the Windows Store. This facilitates the developer to control their application.

Microsoft also ensure that Windows 8 users will feel the same experience for users of desktop, tablet, or smartphone. In other words, when using the computer at the desk, you will feel using a smartphone or tablet.


1. More Dynamic Appearance
Just as mobile phones (cell phones) and smart tablets, computers using the Windows 8 operating system comes with a notification feature and current information, related to your account in the virtual world. For example, the inbox electronic mail (e-mail). In addition you will also be automatically connected to the data storage site owned by Windows, Skydrive.

2. More Universal Data Search System
With Windows 8, you are more easy to find the desired data. Simply type the name of the data at the initial appearance, immediately appeared several options related data.

3. Availability and Ease of Application Support
You have lots of options and ease of application to get support if your computer uses Windows 8 operating system.

**Other advantages of Windows 8:
* Fast boot. It could even be faster than his current pc monitor. Windows 8 boot time just 8 seconds. No more flashing the BIOS screen.
Safer. Because when booting, Windows 8 Secure Boot that comes with working with UEFI-based BIOS that can protect your PC from malware while booting.
* Matched with All Software. All software that runs on Windows 7 will also be used in Windows 8 so that the user does not need to upgrade your PC. According to Microsoft, Intel Atom processor and 1 GB of RAM is enough to run this OS.
* Low hardware specs (even for a tablet). Windows 8 supports devices that use ARM chips infrastructure. It is expected to extend the reach of Windows 8 in the tablet arena, given that most currently available tablets using ARM chips.
* Has a fresh look. Windows 8 or Win 8 has a neatly organized menu with the Metro design. Access to social networks can also be done directly on the home screen.
* Optimized for the touch screen. Windows 7 does support touch screen, but is not optimal in terms of design and ease of operation. Unlike the Windows 8 Metro interface dubbed the fully optimized for the touch interface of Windows Phone-style form.
* Windows Store app store. Windows 8 will have its own application store called Windows Store. Windows Store provides a wide range of applications that are optimized for Windows 8.
* Supports NFC (Near Field Communications). Windows 8 will support NFC, a technology which, among others, for their role in the digital financial transactions. Tablets that use Windows 8 will also likely automatically include this feature.
* Internet Explorer 10. Internet Explorer 10 promised to bring major changes than previous IE versions. Is claimed to be very friendly browser used either in tablet or PC.

Features that support Windows 8:

Touchscreen Support
Windows 8 is a hybrid operating system designed by Microsoft. It seems like since the beginning of Microsoft was already preparing some of its products to adapt to the touch screen technology, such as ribbon style are present in Office 2007, then Office 2010 and Office 2013's interface changes are more obvious than with the large, flat, and can be accessed directly without a click.

Metro User Interface
Windows 8 Metro Style comes with the theme, you try to watch the signs are there in the airport or train station, certainly similar to icons in the Windows 8 style. Metro look that is synonymous with the color contrast between the background icon, simple shape, and not too many colors eyecandy.

Apps (Mail, Messaging, SkyDrive, Reader, Music, People)
Windows 8 has also been prepared for storage in the cloud for example the presence of SkyDrive, but it also comes Builin features for email services, chat with Messaging, news reader with the Reader, Music and People can also connect to social media such as facebook.

Start Screen, Semantic Zoom, Live Tiles
Inspired by the start screen that is on the latest tablet device or smartphone, Windows 8 now comes also with the Start Screen, you have to slide the screen is used to login. Then use the mouse a bit confused actually, but if use a computer touch screen that supports more comfortable.
Semantic Zoom-kan also injected into the OS so that users could zooms-out screen to find apps faster.
Later Live Tiles are also embedded in the OS so that updated information of installed applications such as weather updates, email notifications, clock, calendar, or value stocks or the latest status of your friends can be directly performed on the application icon on the Start Screen.

Connected Standby
Friendly and energy-saving battery is the one that pursued by OS tablet, as well as Windows 8. Not like Windows 7 or Windows previously, Connected Standby feature is claimed as Very Ultra Idle Power by Microsoft aka really only consume very little energy when the computer is idle, but still Connected to all the latest information also remain updated in the application. Call it suppose no facebook or twitter apps in Windows 8, then sleep or where you live, so you go back and turn on your PC or tablet Windows 8, it will be instantly updated information.

Microsoft Account
Windows 8 is also equipped with a Microsoft Account, Automatic Windows users will have to be terkonek this account to the Windows Store. With Microsoft Account, then you can automatically update the latest applications.

Language Packs
Windows 8 also comes with a variety of languages, this feature is already there in the previous version, only in Windows 8 is further enhanced features. Indonesian was also there.

Better Multiple Monitor Support
The monitor also has multiple features previously present in the Windows XP or Windows 7, but in Windows 8 Multiple Monitor feature is more properly be managed by Microsoft, so the user multitasking activities can be better. For example, you have 3 monitors, one monitor can be set to display the Metro Start Screen, the monitor you use to read books and arranged Portrait, one monitor again your landscape for typing or watching movies.

Storage Spaces
Before the presence of Storage Spaces in Windows 8, Microsoft has a technology known as Drive Extender that exist on Windows Home Server. With this technology installed on your computer if only 2 or 3 or 4 hard drive, then Windows can consider it as a whole disk, a single large disk.
This technology is suitable for users who have a myriad of data is huge so do not bother with the storage media. For example, the first remaining 500 MB hard drive disk kemuian two turns remaining 2 GB hold three remaining 3 GB hard drive, but you want to install the latest games that need space 4 GB for example. If you use common technology then harddiskmu nothing fit, but with technology this is the game can still be installed.
Drive Extender technology is no longer pulled by Microsoft, but Windows 8 later in this technology comes back with the name of the Storage Spaces. From the name is actually normal but apparently special functions.

Installation of x86/64 and Desktop Software
Generations before Windows 8 is famous for x86/64, but the following are present Windows 8, Microsoft is like creating a new platform for application developers must make adaptations so again. For it in the Windows 8 comes this feature, which allows users to install applications that previously could be the way in Windows XP or Windows 7.

Windows Media Player
Sorry in advance but apparently in Windows 8, Windows Media Player did not participate in the installation of the current package. Features of Windows Media Player Not There is a new feature in Windows 8. But as soon as you open the Windows Store, there is no Windows Media Player is available for free, just download and install. I think Microsoft is trying not to repeat that mistake once, because in Europe was sued for allegedly monopolizing due to the resulting Windows Media Player multimedia software vendors like to compete.

ISO / VHD mount
This feature is used to not exist in Windows XP or Windows 7, usually if you want to mount an ISO file or VHD (Virtual Hard Drive) must use special software. Feature in Windows 8 is provided free of charge. With this feature you can copy a DVD in ISO format, you fall off the DVD, then you mount the ISO file and you can still watch the DVD contents

Exchange ActiveSync
This allows you to sync email or contacts on the Exchange server with the default Windows Mail application. If dikomputermu not connect to Exhange server is not too bergna feature.

Mobile Broadband Features
If you are again outside the home or office to connect to the Internet you usually wear anything, certainly normally use USB Modem with GSM card in it. Windows 8 seems to have also prepared themselves with the technology, with the features of Mobile Broadband.

Refresh and Reset your PC
If your PC has started running slower than normal or frequent crashes, usually the last solution is to reinstall Windows, the same solution also occur when your PC into a den of viruses and malware, there is no other way besides Reinstall Windows. It seems it is also the underlying presence of this feature. Refresh and Reset features of this new PC is on Windows 8. This feature is actually dangerous when user wear it carelessly.
Reset Your PC feature will erase all data applications, settings and personal data is then automatically re-install Windows, Windows essentially will be returned to the condition it was in when installed.
While your PC Refresh feature will not remove personal data, application or its settings, but will re-install Windows.

For business Microsoft User Interface is no death, Windows proved to be successful because many users are easy to use. In Windows 8 Snap feature is present, which can make the application side by side, with a screen that automatically organized. This feature is ideal if your screen resolution such as 1366 × 768 high

Secure Boot
To improve security on its OS, Windows 8 comes with Secure Boot feature. The weak point of the current OS booting, if no other applications or malware that interfere with the boot then Windows will not run. This feature will prevent that, even this feature will result in only the Windows 8 OS are running even on your PC also installed another OS like Linux.

Internet Explorer 10
Not long ago I tried Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 8 now present Internet Explorer 10. Internet Explorer 9 is already experiencing an increase in performance is much better than before, especially in terms of faster rendering, javascript engine which is much faster. The presence of the Internet Explorer 10 browser enliven the increasingly fierce competition. In IE 10 you even can run with a smooth javascript based game.

Cloud Services
Today we've entered the era of Cloud Computing, data on the smartphone, tablet or PC all can be stored on the cloud and synchronized properly. Windows 8 also comes with features Cloud Services for these technologies.

Picture Password
Picture password is a new feature of Windows 8 that did not exist in earlier Windows. With this feature we can create a password from the touch pattern on the image. But this feature is only suited for touch screens.

Windows To Go
Windows To Go feature is used to create a bootable USB drive which can be used to boot Windows.

Smart Screen
Smart Screen is a feature of Windows 8 to prevent users from downloading or installing malicious apps for PC, such as the applications infected with malware.

Updated Windows Explorer
Since the days of Windows 95 to Windows XP, windows explorer is not too much change. When there is a change in Windows 7 but Windows 8, Windows Explorer now comes with a more fresh and Style ribbon.

Windows Defender
Windows Defender is built into Windows AntiVirus application to deal with malware and viruses. Windows Defender technology used with the Microsoft Security Essential technology. Windows Defender will disable itself if the user install other antivirus.

File History
File History is a new feature of Windows 8 that functions to backup files automatically. This feature is to protect user data if there are problems in the system. Every time there is a change in the file on the Desktop, My Documents, Contacts and so on, then the system will automatically copy the file to a specific location. Users can specify the location as you wish, can go to another external hard drive or server.

Hyper V
Hyper V is the latest Windows 8 features for virtualization, this feature has the same functionality as Microsoft Virtual PC.


Since Windows 8 is present, Microsoft wants all apps (except games) can adopt the look of Windows 8-style UI. Some application developers actually less comfortable with this rule. All applications will look the same, with a plaid design. In training make Windows 8 applications, such questions often posed by the developer.

1. No Start Button and Close X
Unfortunately, there is no start button and the Close X in the front view of Windows 8. This makes the users confused and difficult to start a job, work or access the program closes. Although the data search system, but where the Start button is considered very important for the ease of users.

To end the task in Windows 8, you must direct your mouse arrow to the top of the application. After appearing the hands, you have to drag it, and then the program closed.

2. Many Hidden File Or Application
This is probably the most confusing for users of Windows 8. Therefore, when in operation, only two of data or applications that can be open simultaneously, while other data is hidden. You must use the universal search feature to open another data.

For your information, Windows 8 will be marketed at a price range of 69.99 U.S. dollars. Until the end of January 2013, consumers currently running PCs with Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7, right to download (download) Windows 8 Pro with an estimated retail price of 39.99 U.S. dollars.

Find Fabulous Keywords With Google Adwords!

Find Fabulous Keywords With Google Adwords!

Keywords are one of the proverbial keys to great search engine optimization when carefully chosen. Having good SEO is essential to being filtered out of the sea of similar online websites; however, most do not know how to appropriately research for keywords, which is a necessity for optimal SEO.

** Changing Rules
What can make the task of SEO even more difficult is that the rules are constantly changing and new methods being born every day in the constant battle to identify and use the best keywords possible. What worked yesterday will not necessarily work today, which is a major downfall in trying to research for good keywords. The only way to know if one is good is to try it and then wait months for results to show whether the choice was the right one.

** Google Adwords
Google AdWords is a favorite program of professional SEO specialists everywhere, which is interesting since it was initially created as an advertising tool. It is a Pay Per Click or PPC program for advertisers but is also being used very successfully for SEO as a way to quickly and efficiently identify the best keywords for a particular website. Even the small cost is well worth the money paid to be able to find usable SEO words or phrases in a few weeks as opposed to months.

** SEO Function
This Google program works by charging a fee to use certain popular keywords as shown in Google's search engines that appear, when searched, in a separate section of the results at the very top of the page, even above the #1 ranking website. Essentially, it is paying to be filtered separately from all the other similar keywords and phrases that Google goes through and being displayed first. With this program, a website link will appear in advertising boxes that show up on other related websites. Those text ads that have become so commonplace are AdWords, paid to increase exposure for a company.

This is not the main way this Google program builds SEO. Rather, it provides a way to test and judge the response of different language units quickly, enabling keywords to be changed if the initial response is poor. The increased exposure from appearing in the advertising box generates more clicks, which can lead to more conversions to actual sales. Web efficiency through visibility should be increased with this program as well as increased back links. This is one of the hardest parts of building SEO; however, it weighs heavily in Google's search algorithms, so back links are very important.

** Keyword Tool
One additional feature of this program is the free tool that generates comprehensive lists of related keywords and phrases based on the search term; it also provides useful information about each one such as: the number of times searched; origination of the searches; and the level of competition among other websites using the exact same language units. Such a tool is invaluable; when used in conjunction with an AdWords campaign, building up great SEO can be a lot easier than doing it any other way.
It is not necessary to stay with Google AdWords indefinitely, though many find it more cost effective to continue. Back links and accumulation of searches and website hits remain as part of a page's history, even when no longer enrolled in this program. So it is indeed possible to find excellent keywords with the use of Google Adwords in much less time and take over the control of SEO from within - the website!

How To Put Ads On Google With Google AdWords

How To Put Ads On Google With Google AdWords

Google Adwords is the largest payper click program on the internet today. Yahoo Search Advertising Services (formerly Overture, Inc) is a close second, however Google stays squarely in first place.
One of many issues that distinguishes Google is their superior rating algorithm for ppc ads. Most ppc (a.k.a. PPC) serps use a easy "the extra you pay, the upper you get" rating algorithm. The very best bidders are ranked the very best, with the opposite advertisements ranked in decending order based mostly on their bids.
The Google Adwords rating algorithm is extra complicated. Their main ranking technique uses AdRank. Each ad is assigned an AdRank for each keyword it runs under. The AdRank used to be determined by multiplying the advertisements maximum bid occasions the press by way of price the ad gets. So, in the event you set your bid for thirty cents, and your ad had a 1.5 % click by way of price, your AdRank was 45.
Lately Google has launched different components in rating the ads. They now decide your AdRank by multiplying your bid instances your adverts "high quality rating".
Google says that "The High quality Rating is set by the key phrase's efficiency historical past on Google: its clickthrough charge (CTR), relevance of advert textual content, historic key phrase efficiency, touchdown web page high quality, and different relevancy factors."
Google does not give a whole lot of info on these different elements, however we do know some about them.
So far as the relevance of the advert textual content, it is best to put the key phrase (when attainable) into the title and description. You'll want to write your advertisements for customers, although, not for computer systems!
Google doesn't reveal how they measure touchdown web page quality, but I would assume they measure the time a visitor remains on your site before clicking back to the search results. Just make your landing page a top-quality, information filled and / or high converting page and you should be fine.
Have you ever noticed when you do a Google search for something that there are all the time advertisements on the far right of the display? You could have questioned where they come from, and who puts them there? Perhaps you've got even clicked on one and found yourself at an internet site advertising a product related to your search. Welcome to the world of Google AdWords marketing. Google AdWords is among the hottest online advertising tools available right now, and thousands of people are making an excellent living from home using it. And you can too. In this article, I will outline some steps that will show you tips on how to put ads on Google using Google AdWords. In no time you may also be one of the thousands who are successful online marketers.
1. Sign up. Google AdWords is free, and it is extremely straightforward to join an account. If you have already got a Google account akin to a Gmail account, you possibly can already sign up utilizing your account identify and password. When you've got one other e mail account like Hotmail or Yahoo, you need to use these also.
2. Marketing campaign Settings. To get the simplest marketing campaign attainable, these settings will must be modified from their default settings. To permit your finances to be utilized extra effectively, it's best to slender these options down as the default settings are geared in the direction of maximum exposure across many media.
3. Keywords. To help direct potential clients to your landing page more effectively, it is best to group your keywords in a theme and make each of these groups an AdGroup. Using the Google AdWords Keyword Device is a good way to seek out potential keywords.
4. Ad Text. Getting excessive rankings in Google AdWords is all about high quality score. Google ranks your advert by how related the advert textual content is to your key phrases and varied different things. Having a superb high quality rating drastically advantages how usually and the way excessive your adverts seem on Google pages and likewise how much you pay for each click. Your ad text should contain your keyword or words as much as possible.
5. Bidding. To have a profitable campaign requires that you make more from the sale of your products than you spend on the advertising. The desire for the number 1 position can easily make a campaign cost more than it should to stay in positive territory. Strive for a steadiness between advert place and value per click. A 3rd or fourth advert place remains to be fairly good and your promoting funds will go additional too.
6. Advert Variations. Utilizing your authentic key phrase strive just a few variations of your ad. Bear in mind to incorporate your key phrase, however possibly change your "name to motion" phrase or distinctive selling point.
7. Build Large Keyword Lists. Use many variations and phrases of your keywords in each group. It may also be advantageous to include common misspellings of words.
Google AdWords is a very effective and profitable approach to advertise the products you are promoting online. However, it does require a couple of simple rules to follow to get optimum results .

Cheat Astro Boy The Video Game PS2

Astro Boy The Video Game PS2 Cheats
Publisher: D3 Publisher
Developer: High Voltage Software
Genre: Action
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Astro Boy: The Video Game cheat codes from PS2 Cheats. Here you will find the latest cheat codes and the most popular, Easy Money help, hints and tips for Playstation 2 (PS2) games. Whatever you are looking for can all be found here. Check back often to find New Cheat for PS2 Astro Boy: The Video Game Cheats & Codes Playstation 2 ASTRO BOY: THE VIDEO GAME.
Astro Boy: Video Game Cheats

Cheat List:
Description: Input the following codes for the desired effect:

Disable Supers: L1, L1, R1, R1, L1, LEFT
Limited Supers: LEFT, L1, RIGHT, L1, UP, DOWN
Max Stats: LEFT, LEFT, R1, DOWN, DOWN, L1
Hyphens are limited: R1, R1, L1, R1, LEFT, UP
Costume Swap (Arena / Classic Costume): R1, UP, L1, UP, DOWN, R1
Invulnerability: UP, DOWN, DOWN, UP, L1, R1
Enable Level: UP, L1, RIGHT, L1, DOWN, L1

Change clothes

Def Jam Vendetta Cheats PS2

Def Jam Vendetta Cheats PS2
Penerbit: Electronic Arts
Pengembang: Aki Corporation / EA Canada
Genre: Gulat

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Def Jam Vendetta cheat codes from PS2 Cheats. Here you will find the latest cheat codes and the most popular, Easy Money help, hints and tips for Playstation 2 (PS2) games. Whatever you are looking for can all be found here. Check back often to find new cheats for PS2 Def Jam Vendetta Cheats & Codes Playstation 2 DEF JAM Vendetta.
Def Jam Vendetta Cheats


Peewee (alternate costume)
X, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle.

Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, X.

Method Man
Square, Circle, X, Triangle, Circle.

Circle, Square, Triangle, X, Circle.

X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square.

Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Triangle.

Circle, Square, X, Triangle, Square.

Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle.

Ruffneck (alternate costume)
Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Square.

X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square.

Spider (alternate costume)
Square, Triangle, X, Square, Circle.

Circle, Circle, Square, X, Circle.

Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, X.

Opening the characters
Choose Battle Mode. At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly enter one of the following codes:

Square, Square, Triangle, X, Circle.

X, Square, X, X, X.

Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, Square.

Briggs (alternate costume)
X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle.

Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, X.

Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, X.

Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle.

X, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle.

And G
X, Circle, X, Circle, Square.

Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle.

D-Mob (alternate costume)
Square, Square, Triangle, Square, Square.

Briggs (alternate costume)
X, Triangle, Square, X, Circle.

Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square, X.

X, Square, X, Triangle, Circle.

Proof (alternate costume)
X, Square, Triangle, Square, Circle.

Drake (alternate costume)
X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle.

Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle.

Triangle, Square, Circle, X, X.

Razor (alternate costume)
Square, Circle, X, Triangle, Triangle.

Circle, Circle, X, X, Triangle.

Funkmaster Flex
Circle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square.

Circle, Triangle, X, X, Circle.

Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square, X.

Square, Circle, X, X, Triangle.

Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Circle.

Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square, X.

X, X, Square, Triangle, Square.

Triangle, Triangle, Square, X, X.

X, X, X, Triangle, Circle.

Manny (alternate costume)
Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle.

Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Circle.

I found the lols
Choose battle mode and choose the type of match. Enter the User ID in the "User Setup". At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding person:

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square.

Briggs (alternate costume)
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle.

Briggs (alternate costume)
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X, Triangle, Square, X, Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X, Square, X (3).

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Square (2), Triangle, X, Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle, Triangle, X (2), Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Circle.

D-Mob (alternate costume)
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Square (2), Triangle, Square (2).

And G
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X, Circle, X, Circle, Square.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle (2), X (2), Triangle. Alternately, successfully complete story mode with all four default characters.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle, Square, Circle (2), X.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, Square.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Triangle, Square, Circle, X (2).

Drake (alternate costume)
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X, Triangle (2), Circle (2).

Funkmaster Flex
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle, Triangle, Circle (2), Square. Alternately, select one of the four default characters story mode and defeat D-Mob.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Triangle (3), Square, Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, X.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle (3), Square, Triangle.

Manny (alternate costume)
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X, Circle, Triangle, Square (2).

Method Man
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Square, Circle, X, Triangle, Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Triangle (2), Square (2), X.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle, Square, Triangle, X, Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Square, Circle, X (2), Triangle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle (2), Square, Triangle (2). Alternately, successfully complete story mode with two default character.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle (2), Square (2), Triangle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X (2), Square, Triangle, Square.

Peewee (alternate costume)
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X, Triangle (2), Square, Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X (3), Triangle, Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, X.

Proof (alternate costume)
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X, Square, Triangle, Square, Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, X.

Razor (alternate costume)
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Square, Circle, X, Triangle (2). Alternately, select one of the four default characters story mode. Defeat Sketch and Chukklez in tag team matches.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle (2), Triangle, Square, X.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X, Square, X, Triangle, Circle.

Ruffneck (alternate costume)
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Square. Alternately, select one of the four default characters story mode. Ruffneck and Arii defeat tag team match.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle, Square, X, Triangle, Square.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Triangle (2), Circle, Square, X.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Triangle (2), X (2), Circle.

Spider (alternate costume)
At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Square, Triangle, X, Square, Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press X, Triangle, Circle (2), Triangle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Circle (2), Square, X, Circle.

At the character selection screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Triangle (2), Square, X (2).

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mau lihat tampilanya kaya gimana pasti penasaran klik aja View Demo
caranya Mudah Loh....!!!. mau tau gimana caranya oke langsung aja.

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SEKIAN.....salam Blogger.

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Kesibukan kita terkadang membuat kita lupa akan kewjiban kita sebagai muslim di antaranya membaca Al-Qur'an. Di jaman modern sekarang ini berbagai macam cara di ciptakan agar kita punya kesempatan bisa membaca Al-Qur'an meskipun kita di atas kedaraan sekalipun, cara nya dengan kita memanfaat kan HP yg ada di genggaman kita.
Berikut ini saya tawarkan kepada anda sebuah aplikasi Al-Qur'an digital untuk HP Java, aplikasi ini dapat berjalan pada HP merk apa aja yg penting ada Java nya,ini link download nya:

*  Al-Qur'an dan Terjemahan
*  Al-Qur'an Digital
*  Al-Qur'an Pocket (support MIDP 2.0)

Instalasi seperti biasa copy file jar kedalam memory card hp simpan pada sebuah folder semisal folder Game, hidup kan hp cari file yg tadi di simpan pada memory buka dan install, selesai al-qur'an di tangan siap untuk dibaca, semoga semakin menambah keimanan dan kecintaan kita kepada Al-qur'an Amiiin.



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