The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (PS2): Kode dan Petunjuk
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Cheat Mode:
Pause the game during a level, then hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and enter one of the following codes to Enable Code function. If you entered the code correctly, you will be Getting Power Powerful.
Results Character Code
+1000 Experience points (once only) Gimli Circle (2x), Triangle, X
+1000 Experience points (once only) Gandalf Circle, Triangle, Up, Down
+1000 Experience points (once only) Merry Down (2x), Square, X
+1000 Experience points (once only) Frodo Down, Triangle, Up, Down
+1000 Experience points (once only) Faramir Square, Triangle, Up, box
+1000 Experience points (once only) Aragorn Up, Square, Triangle, X
+1000 Experience points (once only) Sam Triangle, X, Down, X
+1000 Experience points (once only) Pippin Triangle, X, Square, X
+1000 Experience points (once only) Legolas X, Triangle, Up, X
Switch Level 2 Skills Merry Circle, Down, Square, Square
Switch Level 2 Skills Aragorn Circle, Triangle, X, Triangle
Switch Level 2 Skills Sam Circle, X, Circle, Triangle
Switch Level 2 Skills Gandalf Down, Triangle, X, Triangle
Switch Level 2 Skills Pippin Down, X, Down, Up
Legolas Skills Level 2 Switch Box (2x), Circle, Square
Switch Level 2 Skills Gimli Up, Circle, Square (2x)
Switch Level 2 Skills Frodo Triangle, Up, Down, Circle
Switch Level 2 Skills Faramir X, Square, X, Down
Switch Level 4 Skills Legolas Down (2), X (2)
Aragorn Switch Level 4 Skills Down, Square, Circle, Square
Switch Level 4 Skills Welcome Box, X, Circle, Down
Switch Level 4 Skills Sam Up, Down, Square, X
Switch Level 4 Skills Gimli Triangle, Square, Down, Up
Switch Level 4 Skills Frodo Triangle, Up, Circle, Down
Switch Level 4 Skills Gandalf Triangle, Up, Square, X
Switch Level 4 Skills Pippin X, Down (3x)
Switch Level 4 Skills Faramir X (2x), Box (2x)
Switch Level 6 Skills Pippin Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
Switch Level 6 Skills Aragorn Circle, Triangle, Square, Square
Switch Level 6 Skills Legolas Down, Square, Up, Down
Switch Level 6 Skills Congratulations Down (2x), Square, Triangle
Switch Level 6 Skills Sam Down (2x), Up (2x)
Switch Level 6 Skills Frodo Down (2x), X, Triangle
Switch Level 6 Skills Gimli Down, Triangle, Down, Square
Switch Level 6 Skills Gandalf Triangle (2x), X, Up
Switch Level 6 Skills Faramir Triangle, X, Down, Circle
Turning Circle Frodo Skills Level 8 (2x), Down (2x)
Switch Level 8 Skills Sam Circle (2x), Triangle (2x)
Switch Level 8 Skills Faramir Circle, Down (3x)
Switch Level 8 Skills Gandalf Box, Square, Down, Down
Switch Level 8 Skills Merry Down, Triangle, X, Square
Switch Box Level 8 Skills Legolas, Up (2x), Down
Switch Box Level 8 Skills Pippin, Up (2x), Circle
Switch Level 8 Skills Aragorn Up, Square, Triangle, Up
Switch Level 8 Skills Gimli X, Square, Down, Square
Switch 3 Hit Combo Gandalf Down, X, Triangle, Down
Aragorn Switch 3 Hit Combo Box, Down, Circle, Up
Frodo Switch 3 Hit Combo Box, Down, Triangle, Square
Faramir Switch 3 Hit Combo Box, Triangle, Up, Triangle
Legolas Switch 3 Hit Combo Box, Triangle (2x), Box
Sam Switch 3 Hit Combo Box, X, Circle, Square
Switch 3 Hit Combo Gimli Up, Square, Circle, Square
Switch 3 Hit Combo Pippin Top (2x), Square, Circle
Switch 3 Hit Combo Congratulations Triangle, X, Up, Triangle
Switch 4 Hit Combo Frodo Down, Square, Down, Circle
Switch 4 Hit Combo Gandalf Down, Triangle, Up, Circle
Congratulations switch 4 Hit Combo Box, X, Square (2x)
4 Hit Combo Sam Switch Up, Down, Triangle (2x)
Switch 4 Hit Combo For Aragorn, Square, Triangle, Down
Switch 4 Hit Combo Gimli Triangle, Square, Up, X
Switch 4 Hit Combo Legolas X, Circle, Triangle, Square
Switch 4 Hit Combo Faramir X, Square, Up, X
Switch 4 Hit Combo Pippin X (2x), Down, Circle
Special Ability Rings Gimli Switch, Square, X, Circle
Special ability to switch Aragorn Down, Circle, Triangle (2x)
Special Ability Pippin Switch Box, X, Circle, Triangle
Special Ability Sam Switch Up, Circle, X, Circle
Special Ability Gandalf Switch Up, Down, Triangle, Circle
Special Ability Faramir Switch Up, Square, Circle, Up
Special ability to switch Merry Up, Triangle, Circle (2x)
Special Ability Switch Legolas Triangle, Circle, X, Circle
Special Ability Switch Frodo Triangle, X, Down, X
Switch cooperative shared experiences Every Down, X (3)
Switch cooperative sharing of health Triangle, Up, Square (2)
Restore Missiles (once only) Gimli Circle (3), X
Restore Missiles (once only) Congratulations Square, Circle (2), Triangle
Restore Missiles (once only) Pippin Up, Circle, Down, Square
Restore Missiles (once only) Gandalf Triangle, Down, X, Square
Restore Missiles (once only) Aragorn triangle, squar (2), Triangle
Restore Missiles (once only) Faramir Triangle, Up, X (2)
Restore Missiles (once only) Legolas Triangle (3), Down
Restore Missiles (once only) Frodo Triangle (3), Circle
Restore Missiles (once only) Sam X (2), Circle, X
Opening the Secret Character (once only) Frodo Triangle, Circle (3)
Unlock all Actor Interviews (once only) n / a X, Square, X, Up
Opening the Secret Character (once only) Frodo Circle, Square (2), X
Opening the Secret Character (once only) Pippin Triangle, Circle, Square, Down
Opening the Secret Character (once only) Happy X, Down (2), X
Opening the Secret Character (once only) Faramir X (2), Triangle (2)
Infinite respawns every cooperative Circle, Square, Up, Circle
All upgrades (must have completed game) Any Up, Down, Triangle, Square
Always Devasting (must have completed game) The Triangle, Up, Triangle, Down
Missile infinite (must have completed game) Every Square (2), Down, Circle
Invulnerability (must have completed game) Square each, Circle, Square, Up
Perfect Mode (must have completed game) Each Circle, Down, Triangle, X
Enemy Debug Mode (must have completed game) Every Down, Circle, Up, Square
Restore Health (must have completed game) The Square (2), Circle (2)
# Palantir of Saruman level
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Palantir of Saruman level.
# Palantir of Sauron level
Successfully complete the game with a character at level 10 to unlock the Palantir of Sauron level.
Play as Faramir
Successfully complete the game to unlock Faramir.
Play as Good
Successfully complete the game to unlock Merry.
Play as Pippen
Successfully complete the game to unlock Pippen.
# Andy Serkis interview
Successfully complete the game to unlock interviews Andy Serkis.
# Billy Boyd interview
Successfully complete the game to unlock interviews Billy Boyd.
# David Menham interview
Successfully complete the game to unlock interviews David Menham.
# Dom Monaghan interview
Successfully complete the game to unlock an interview Dom Monaghan.
# Easy combo attacks
You can use the Right Analog-stick to perform a quick combo attacks. Right Analog-stick Up and the Right Analog-stick Down works well on any creature that has a shield.
# Hidden Trailer
Allow the game to idle screen "Press Start". After a few minutes, a new trailer for the game will play.
# Kill the enemies
A great way to kill a large number of enemies is to use the speed attack as much as possible while moving frequently. For example, when surrounded by Orcs, rapidly press X while moving to knock enemies to the ground, kill them, and get into perfect mode faster. It is a good strategy to prevent back attacks and when you greatly outnumbered.
# Lost number of battle
Do not be a hero. When outnumbered, immediately press X (3) for the attack speed, so if you have multiple rooms, press Triangle (2) to use a fierce combo or perform your special move. Do this enough times and you will enter Perfect mode.
# Purchase upgrades
If you have the option to purchase new skills, make sure you get a skill that lets you live longer, then purchase skills for the entire team starting at level 2 and working up to level 8 first.
# Link move
Learn how to "Link Move" (any special move that requires you to parry first then followed by a step combo). Soon will put you in the perfect fashion.
# Entering Perfect mode
Use the following trick to enter Perfect mode very quickly without any damage. When surrounded by a group of enemies, quickly press Square (Parry) to block all incoming attacks. As you block, your special meter up very quickly, bringing you to Perfect mode. Now you can quickly take out all nearby enemies while racking up a tune. This is very useful in Pelennor Fields.
# Cirith Ungol
With Sam, waiting for someone to knock over another Orc then run and quickly killed him. Eliminate them one by one and finally got up to the boss. An easy way to kill it is to keep throwing spears him. Make sure time does not run out while fighting the Orcs.
# Paths Of The Dead
After the defeat of the King of the Dead, you have to run back through the level as a whole fall on your head. When you get to the white mist that really slows you down, try facing the opposite direction and press L2 to jump backwards. This lets you pass through the mist faster.
# Double kills in multi-player mode
In cooperative multi-player mode, if one of the players you start doing Bane (Orc, Warrior, or Sauron's Bane), attack the enemy that the other players are using Bane on to get two kills. Note: Other players will get a Perfect while you will get a good Fair, Good, or Excellent.
# Killing orcs in Road To Isengard
When you get to the part where you have to kill 65 orcs, there are tiny cracks that you can hide while the three Ents kill all Orc. There are some who will stop at the opening where the Orcs appear. You can only kill you with ranged attacks.
# Easy experience in the Shelob's Lair
When you get to the part where Sam says "I can not get with this", fight all the Orcs. Once you're done, go to the top of the ridge where you push off the rocks. Push the rock and the Orcs will be there, giving you a much better experience.
# Easy experience in South Gate
Completing all tasks until you have an open gate. Do not go through the gate. Just fight all the creatures you can as they keep respawning. Try to use combos to get into Perfect mode then most enemies worth 300 experience points. If you can not fight anymore, leave. Some little creatures provide health potions red, allowing you to fight for a long period of time.
# Siege towers in Walls Of Minas Tirith
Destroy the first siege tower with the catapult near the middle of the wall. It requires two hits to topple. For the second tower that rolls over to the right, you can just use your projectiles to take it. Continued to shoot it in order to bring it down.
Defeating King Of The Dead
When fighting the King Of The Dead, always approach him when you see the green bars / yellow / red on it (depending on how much damage inflicted on him) and the first party. At first he was going to attack three times (usually with a green bar at the top), four times (usually with a yellow bar across it), and five times (usually when a red bar across it). Time is also a factor. As a rule, you want him to have a yellow or red damage bar on it when he called "Winds Of The Mountain".
Defeating Gollum in Crack Of Doom
When you knock Gollum off the cliff and he was hanging in there, press R2 (or move the kill). He will fall in a non-destructive. Also, Gollum is not affected by the sword. You must fend off and push him over the edge. Once you do that, he should lose balance and began to fall. He will try to go back up. At this time, stab your hand with steps murder. It will take some time to beat eat.
Lord of the rings: the return and hints for ps2
Play as:
Pippin: triangle, circle, square, down
happy: x, down, down, x
Frodo: circle, square, square, x
Faramir: x, x, triangle, triangle
1000 points:
sam: triangle, x, down, x
Legolas: x, triangle, up, x
Gimli: circle, circle, triangle, x
Gandalf: circle, triangle, up, down
cheery: down, down, square, x
Pippin: triangle, x, square, x
restore the arrows:
Aragorn: triangle, square, square, triangle
Faramir: square, up, up, square
Frodo: triangle, triangle, triangle, triangle, circle
Gimli: circle, circle, circle, x
Gandalf: triangle, down, X, square
Legolas: triangle, triangle, triangle, down
happy: square, circle, circle, triangle
Pippin: up, circle, down, square
sam: x, x, circle, x
You can just put the code below when completing game section
restore health: square, square, circle, circle
always destroy: triangle, up, triangle, down
unlimited missiles: square, square, down, circle
invulnerable: square, circle, square, down
target indicators: below, circle, up, square
all upgrades: up, down, triangle, square
when you finish the game and go to the secret code, you will see the code, but the arrows instead. directions: up and down and the bottom up.
how to beat the spider Shelob in the nest: to beat the spider just use your speed attacks against him and you'll see hoe fast you beat
how to beat the last stage: beat gollum, you must use your attack speed to push it to the side and when you do, use a circle and when he tried to get up, use r2 to knock him and keep walking until you beat him
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Cheat Mode:
Pause the game during a level, then hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and enter one of the following codes to Enable Code function. If you entered the code correctly, you will be Getting Power Powerful.
Results Character Code
+1000 Experience points (once only) Gimli Circle (2x), Triangle, X
+1000 Experience points (once only) Gandalf Circle, Triangle, Up, Down
+1000 Experience points (once only) Merry Down (2x), Square, X
+1000 Experience points (once only) Frodo Down, Triangle, Up, Down
+1000 Experience points (once only) Faramir Square, Triangle, Up, box
+1000 Experience points (once only) Aragorn Up, Square, Triangle, X
+1000 Experience points (once only) Sam Triangle, X, Down, X
+1000 Experience points (once only) Pippin Triangle, X, Square, X
+1000 Experience points (once only) Legolas X, Triangle, Up, X
Switch Level 2 Skills Merry Circle, Down, Square, Square
Switch Level 2 Skills Aragorn Circle, Triangle, X, Triangle
Switch Level 2 Skills Sam Circle, X, Circle, Triangle
Switch Level 2 Skills Gandalf Down, Triangle, X, Triangle
Switch Level 2 Skills Pippin Down, X, Down, Up
Legolas Skills Level 2 Switch Box (2x), Circle, Square
Switch Level 2 Skills Gimli Up, Circle, Square (2x)
Switch Level 2 Skills Frodo Triangle, Up, Down, Circle
Switch Level 2 Skills Faramir X, Square, X, Down
Switch Level 4 Skills Legolas Down (2), X (2)
Aragorn Switch Level 4 Skills Down, Square, Circle, Square
Switch Level 4 Skills Welcome Box, X, Circle, Down
Switch Level 4 Skills Sam Up, Down, Square, X
Switch Level 4 Skills Gimli Triangle, Square, Down, Up
Switch Level 4 Skills Frodo Triangle, Up, Circle, Down
Switch Level 4 Skills Gandalf Triangle, Up, Square, X
Switch Level 4 Skills Pippin X, Down (3x)
Switch Level 4 Skills Faramir X (2x), Box (2x)
Switch Level 6 Skills Pippin Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
Switch Level 6 Skills Aragorn Circle, Triangle, Square, Square
Switch Level 6 Skills Legolas Down, Square, Up, Down
Switch Level 6 Skills Congratulations Down (2x), Square, Triangle
Switch Level 6 Skills Sam Down (2x), Up (2x)
Switch Level 6 Skills Frodo Down (2x), X, Triangle
Switch Level 6 Skills Gimli Down, Triangle, Down, Square
Switch Level 6 Skills Gandalf Triangle (2x), X, Up
Switch Level 6 Skills Faramir Triangle, X, Down, Circle
Turning Circle Frodo Skills Level 8 (2x), Down (2x)
Switch Level 8 Skills Sam Circle (2x), Triangle (2x)
Switch Level 8 Skills Faramir Circle, Down (3x)
Switch Level 8 Skills Gandalf Box, Square, Down, Down
Switch Level 8 Skills Merry Down, Triangle, X, Square
Switch Box Level 8 Skills Legolas, Up (2x), Down
Switch Box Level 8 Skills Pippin, Up (2x), Circle
Switch Level 8 Skills Aragorn Up, Square, Triangle, Up
Switch Level 8 Skills Gimli X, Square, Down, Square
Switch 3 Hit Combo Gandalf Down, X, Triangle, Down
Aragorn Switch 3 Hit Combo Box, Down, Circle, Up
Frodo Switch 3 Hit Combo Box, Down, Triangle, Square
Faramir Switch 3 Hit Combo Box, Triangle, Up, Triangle
Legolas Switch 3 Hit Combo Box, Triangle (2x), Box
Sam Switch 3 Hit Combo Box, X, Circle, Square
Switch 3 Hit Combo Gimli Up, Square, Circle, Square
Switch 3 Hit Combo Pippin Top (2x), Square, Circle
Switch 3 Hit Combo Congratulations Triangle, X, Up, Triangle
Switch 4 Hit Combo Frodo Down, Square, Down, Circle
Switch 4 Hit Combo Gandalf Down, Triangle, Up, Circle
Congratulations switch 4 Hit Combo Box, X, Square (2x)
4 Hit Combo Sam Switch Up, Down, Triangle (2x)
Switch 4 Hit Combo For Aragorn, Square, Triangle, Down
Switch 4 Hit Combo Gimli Triangle, Square, Up, X
Switch 4 Hit Combo Legolas X, Circle, Triangle, Square
Switch 4 Hit Combo Faramir X, Square, Up, X
Switch 4 Hit Combo Pippin X (2x), Down, Circle
Special Ability Rings Gimli Switch, Square, X, Circle
Special ability to switch Aragorn Down, Circle, Triangle (2x)
Special Ability Pippin Switch Box, X, Circle, Triangle
Special Ability Sam Switch Up, Circle, X, Circle
Special Ability Gandalf Switch Up, Down, Triangle, Circle
Special Ability Faramir Switch Up, Square, Circle, Up
Special ability to switch Merry Up, Triangle, Circle (2x)
Special Ability Switch Legolas Triangle, Circle, X, Circle
Special Ability Switch Frodo Triangle, X, Down, X
Switch cooperative shared experiences Every Down, X (3)
Switch cooperative sharing of health Triangle, Up, Square (2)
Restore Missiles (once only) Gimli Circle (3), X
Restore Missiles (once only) Congratulations Square, Circle (2), Triangle
Restore Missiles (once only) Pippin Up, Circle, Down, Square
Restore Missiles (once only) Gandalf Triangle, Down, X, Square
Restore Missiles (once only) Aragorn triangle, squar (2), Triangle
Restore Missiles (once only) Faramir Triangle, Up, X (2)
Restore Missiles (once only) Legolas Triangle (3), Down
Restore Missiles (once only) Frodo Triangle (3), Circle
Restore Missiles (once only) Sam X (2), Circle, X
Opening the Secret Character (once only) Frodo Triangle, Circle (3)
Unlock all Actor Interviews (once only) n / a X, Square, X, Up
Opening the Secret Character (once only) Frodo Circle, Square (2), X
Opening the Secret Character (once only) Pippin Triangle, Circle, Square, Down
Opening the Secret Character (once only) Happy X, Down (2), X
Opening the Secret Character (once only) Faramir X (2), Triangle (2)
Infinite respawns every cooperative Circle, Square, Up, Circle
All upgrades (must have completed game) Any Up, Down, Triangle, Square
Always Devasting (must have completed game) The Triangle, Up, Triangle, Down
Missile infinite (must have completed game) Every Square (2), Down, Circle
Invulnerability (must have completed game) Square each, Circle, Square, Up
Perfect Mode (must have completed game) Each Circle, Down, Triangle, X
Enemy Debug Mode (must have completed game) Every Down, Circle, Up, Square
Restore Health (must have completed game) The Square (2), Circle (2)
# Palantir of Saruman level
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Palantir of Saruman level.
# Palantir of Sauron level
Successfully complete the game with a character at level 10 to unlock the Palantir of Sauron level.
Play as Faramir
Successfully complete the game to unlock Faramir.
Play as Good
Successfully complete the game to unlock Merry.
Play as Pippen
Successfully complete the game to unlock Pippen.
# Andy Serkis interview
Successfully complete the game to unlock interviews Andy Serkis.
# Billy Boyd interview
Successfully complete the game to unlock interviews Billy Boyd.
# David Menham interview
Successfully complete the game to unlock interviews David Menham.
# Dom Monaghan interview
Successfully complete the game to unlock an interview Dom Monaghan.
# Easy combo attacks
You can use the Right Analog-stick to perform a quick combo attacks. Right Analog-stick Up and the Right Analog-stick Down works well on any creature that has a shield.
# Hidden Trailer
Allow the game to idle screen "Press Start". After a few minutes, a new trailer for the game will play.
# Kill the enemies
A great way to kill a large number of enemies is to use the speed attack as much as possible while moving frequently. For example, when surrounded by Orcs, rapidly press X while moving to knock enemies to the ground, kill them, and get into perfect mode faster. It is a good strategy to prevent back attacks and when you greatly outnumbered.
# Lost number of battle
Do not be a hero. When outnumbered, immediately press X (3) for the attack speed, so if you have multiple rooms, press Triangle (2) to use a fierce combo or perform your special move. Do this enough times and you will enter Perfect mode.
# Purchase upgrades
If you have the option to purchase new skills, make sure you get a skill that lets you live longer, then purchase skills for the entire team starting at level 2 and working up to level 8 first.
# Link move
Learn how to "Link Move" (any special move that requires you to parry first then followed by a step combo). Soon will put you in the perfect fashion.
# Entering Perfect mode
Use the following trick to enter Perfect mode very quickly without any damage. When surrounded by a group of enemies, quickly press Square (Parry) to block all incoming attacks. As you block, your special meter up very quickly, bringing you to Perfect mode. Now you can quickly take out all nearby enemies while racking up a tune. This is very useful in Pelennor Fields.
# Cirith Ungol
With Sam, waiting for someone to knock over another Orc then run and quickly killed him. Eliminate them one by one and finally got up to the boss. An easy way to kill it is to keep throwing spears him. Make sure time does not run out while fighting the Orcs.
# Paths Of The Dead
After the defeat of the King of the Dead, you have to run back through the level as a whole fall on your head. When you get to the white mist that really slows you down, try facing the opposite direction and press L2 to jump backwards. This lets you pass through the mist faster.
# Double kills in multi-player mode
In cooperative multi-player mode, if one of the players you start doing Bane (Orc, Warrior, or Sauron's Bane), attack the enemy that the other players are using Bane on to get two kills. Note: Other players will get a Perfect while you will get a good Fair, Good, or Excellent.
# Killing orcs in Road To Isengard
When you get to the part where you have to kill 65 orcs, there are tiny cracks that you can hide while the three Ents kill all Orc. There are some who will stop at the opening where the Orcs appear. You can only kill you with ranged attacks.
# Easy experience in the Shelob's Lair
When you get to the part where Sam says "I can not get with this", fight all the Orcs. Once you're done, go to the top of the ridge where you push off the rocks. Push the rock and the Orcs will be there, giving you a much better experience.
# Easy experience in South Gate
Completing all tasks until you have an open gate. Do not go through the gate. Just fight all the creatures you can as they keep respawning. Try to use combos to get into Perfect mode then most enemies worth 300 experience points. If you can not fight anymore, leave. Some little creatures provide health potions red, allowing you to fight for a long period of time.
# Siege towers in Walls Of Minas Tirith
Destroy the first siege tower with the catapult near the middle of the wall. It requires two hits to topple. For the second tower that rolls over to the right, you can just use your projectiles to take it. Continued to shoot it in order to bring it down.
Defeating King Of The Dead
When fighting the King Of The Dead, always approach him when you see the green bars / yellow / red on it (depending on how much damage inflicted on him) and the first party. At first he was going to attack three times (usually with a green bar at the top), four times (usually with a yellow bar across it), and five times (usually when a red bar across it). Time is also a factor. As a rule, you want him to have a yellow or red damage bar on it when he called "Winds Of The Mountain".
Defeating Gollum in Crack Of Doom
When you knock Gollum off the cliff and he was hanging in there, press R2 (or move the kill). He will fall in a non-destructive. Also, Gollum is not affected by the sword. You must fend off and push him over the edge. Once you do that, he should lose balance and began to fall. He will try to go back up. At this time, stab your hand with steps murder. It will take some time to beat eat.
Lord of the rings: the return and hints for ps2
Play as:
Pippin: triangle, circle, square, down
happy: x, down, down, x
Frodo: circle, square, square, x
Faramir: x, x, triangle, triangle
1000 points:
sam: triangle, x, down, x
Legolas: x, triangle, up, x
Gimli: circle, circle, triangle, x
Gandalf: circle, triangle, up, down
cheery: down, down, square, x
Pippin: triangle, x, square, x
restore the arrows:
Aragorn: triangle, square, square, triangle
Faramir: square, up, up, square
Frodo: triangle, triangle, triangle, triangle, circle
Gimli: circle, circle, circle, x
Gandalf: triangle, down, X, square
Legolas: triangle, triangle, triangle, down
happy: square, circle, circle, triangle
Pippin: up, circle, down, square
sam: x, x, circle, x
You can just put the code below when completing game section
restore health: square, square, circle, circle
always destroy: triangle, up, triangle, down
unlimited missiles: square, square, down, circle
invulnerable: square, circle, square, down
target indicators: below, circle, up, square
all upgrades: up, down, triangle, square
when you finish the game and go to the secret code, you will see the code, but the arrows instead. directions: up and down and the bottom up.
how to beat the spider Shelob in the nest: to beat the spider just use your speed attacks against him and you'll see hoe fast you beat
how to beat the last stage: beat gollum, you must use your attack speed to push it to the side and when you do, use a circle and when he tried to get up, use r2 to knock him and keep walking until you beat him

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Unknown - Tuesday, July 17, 2012